Category "appsettings"

Binding section from appsettings.json to options

So I was trying to follow the Microsoft Docs, Options pattern in ASP.NET Core however for the life of me I can't seem to correctly get the "AppSettings" section

JetBrains Rider - configure appsettings overrides

I am trying JetBrains Rider for my existing .NET Core project. In the project I have several appsettings.json overrides: appsettings.Development.json - for dev

Dot Net Core - How to Prevent appsettings.production.json from changing upon publish

I'm publishing my .net core website to the server. Here is the code that adds Json files to my content path: var builder = new ConfigurationBuilder()

How can I build an IOptionsMonitor<T> for testing?

For the normal IOptions interface, you can manually build an instance e.g. this SO question. Is there any equivalent way to make an IOptionsMonitor instance wi

Override App.config value with an environment variable

I have a C# console program that prints an App.config value. Can I override this value from an environment variable? Example App.config: <appSettings>

Which way to fetch value from local.settings.json?

Could someone please explain which way, if any of these, is the preferred way of fetching values in Startup class from local.settings.json, C# .NET6. The startu