I am trying to expose ArgoCD using ingress and cert-manager in GKE cluster(version 1.21.5-gke.1302) but the certificate is not issued. Steps to reproduce: Insta
We’re facing a weird issue in production where one of the applications is stuck in a terminating and sync state. ArgoCD Version: 2.1.7 Background: We manu
We have a setup with Traefik as the Ingress Controller / CRD and ArgoCD. We installed ArgoCD into our EKS setup as described in the Argo getting stared guide: k
I'm using ArgoCD for gitops deployments right now and I have k8s manifest files that require configMap values to be built (via helm right now). However, ArgoCD
We want to use Sentry for error logging (on-prem for our use case) but since we use k8s for everything we chose the Sentry Kubernetes charts. We are using a clo
I just tried to go over the getting started guide of Argocd found here https://argo-cd.readthedocs.io/en/stable/getting_started/. I did steps 1 and 2 and then r
We recently had an issue with one of our releases and had to rollback all our services manually. While doing so we had to disable the ‘auto-sync’ fe
I have currently implemented ArgoCD for my K8's deployment. I installed it as a Non-HA setup. Moving forward, the number of application in ArgoCD will get incre