I've implemented auto flash on-off using ARKit because I'm using ARKit on the same screen. Implementation: func session(_ session: ARSession, didUpdate frame: A
I am trying to run this sample project from Apple that uses ARGeoTrackingConfiguration: https://developer.apple.com/documentation/arkit/content_anchors/tracking
I'm building a simple app that adds a hat on top of the user's face. I've seen examples of 2 different approaches: Adding the object as a scene to Experience.rc
I've been looking for an answer to whether ARKit, specifically ARSCNView, shows the same screen/view/scene size on all devices. I only have an iPhone XS so I am
On my project I simply wrapped a ARView, setup a configuration and run it on my real device, when I start the app Xcode print out the following error debug mess
I'm working currently of getting depth map from an ARFaceTrackingConfiguration but I have some trouble with this, because it's like the depth map drift a bit fr
I have added 3d object to scene view scene which is in dae format. But its moving along with camera. How to fix it to a particular position. Same code works wit
I have an ARSession using a ARWorldTrackingConfiguration as part of its configuration. I've also enabled face tracking via: configuration.userFaceTrackingEnable
I want to make AR Apps with RealityKit Collaborative Session. It seems needed to use multiple device, not simulator for me. I have an actual device only one. Ca
I hope it's not a silly question, but why this iOS Swift code compiles successfully? import UIKit import ARKit class ViewController: UIViewController {
I am attempting to learn object detection in iOS, and then mark the place of the detected object. I have the model trained and installed in the project. My next
I am not able to figure out how to make the "ball" entity a physics entity/body and apply a force to it. // I'm using UIKit for the user interface and RealityK
I have developed an iOS/ARKit app that functions as a content editor for my AR game. It has a fair amount of interface that I don't want to port over to Unity,
In my project I am projecting 3d files using ARKit. I am able to project .dae and .obj format models. Is there anyway I could load .fbx files?
I'm creating multiple nodes automatically and I want to arrange them around me, because at the moment I'm just increasing of 0.1 the current X location. capsu
For some reason I can't get people occlusion to work, even though I looked at someone's question on Stackoverflow. Here is my code: //Load ARView let arView =
Screenshot #1 shows a simple SceneKit scene with only an ambient light (explicitly added, not the default one). Screenshot #2 shows what happens after adding a
My Swift code below uses func touchesBegan to place a SCN object in the ARKit view. The problem is – it's only placing the object one time. I would like t
I want to present some scene with PBR. I created metalness and roughness textures and want to apply it to the mesh. When I try to do it in Xcode - everything is
I have an object in RealityKit that I hover some text over. I make the text using the built in static function on MeshResource like this. let textMesh = MeshRes