I need to extract some words from a string of text, insert every character of that words inside a span element and then replace the extracted words with the spa
I'm trying to clone array of list of objects. the clone modified when the original list modified (one of the properties of Page object). how d
I am trying to write a function that works on all of the JavaScript array types, e.g. on number[], Float32Array etc. It should return the same type that it gets
I am struggling with an issue that is bugging me a lot. I am not good with JSON data manipulation. So the issue is I have an Array of multiple Object which cont
Object { rows: (1) […], count: 3 } My api is giving me this count: 3 rows: Array [ {…} ] 0: Object { ELIGIBILITATE: "
I pull data from a Google Event Calendar. The events include multiple point of contact e-mails (Primary, Secondary, etc.) I am currently able to collect ALL of
I have 2 sets of data that I want to do an outer join on (basically include all data from both sets, with empty cells where data is in one set but not the other
I'm recreating a hangman game where I create a random word and conceal this with "". i.e if the word is "monkey" then the array should be ["", "", "", "", "", "
Hi is there a way to efficiently stack the same row in each layer of a 3D numpy array? I have an array like this: a = np.array([[["a111","a112","a113"],
I've solved several solutions on Codewars and saw that one solution uses [...], I tried to google what it is, but google only finds how to create arrays (List a
I'm trying to learn Python and I have run into a problem. I am attempting to complete the Array Manipulation challenge on hackerrank. A part of solving it requi
I have a multidimensional array consisting of a directory structure or a tree if you want, but how can I loop through this data when I don't know the depth of t
I have some code that creates a bunch of Creatures(cells) and they move around the screen and eat food. They all have an age variable so once they become a cert
*x = L->list[i]; /* Save the deleted element to parameter x */ for(j = i+1; j <= L->size-1; j++) L->list[i] = L->list[i+1]; L->size--;
I want to create Bookmark widget, and I want each user can save his own bookmarks. and when login to the application can see only his bookmarks. for this I have
Hi recently I was writing a code which basically askes users to input a cost for any item. The item name or price are not important so far. How the system works
def is_subsequence_array(array, sequence): for num in sequence: if array.count(num) != 1 : output = False for i in range(len(sequence) - 1
Please help, I don't understand how I can select a selected item if it comes from somewhere else and is in a different array. If this is not possible, is it pos
I am trying to add a new column to my Spark Dataframe. New column added will be of a size based on a variable (say salt) post which I will use that column to ex
When I was solving a problem on Leetcode, I've defined an empty array. I tried push some numbers then I got this Error. I don't know why. My code here.