How do I check which rows of one small array exists in another larger one? Given the following setup: final_batch = np.emtpy((batch_size,2)) batch_size = 4 a =
I would like the loop to start from the second element and to end before the last one. So that I can set the first and last one to constant value. for (int i =
I have this table with these values I have this code in java import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map;
I have this array below at the last code part. To get ["db"] and ["size"] object in array through a loop I use <?php foreach ($result->
So I'm trying to insert the value from ArrayList specifically for object Days into one array of integer here is the value I iterate into the table I I've try i
This is the front end. I have made some changes you can check out my repo if anyone has any answer to this it'll be great use i think there is there a way to li
My code: union FIELD { int n; char c; const char *s; FIELD(){} FIELD(int v){ n = v; } FIELD(char v){ c = v; } FIELD(const char* v){
I have recently started some OOP in C++, and I was trying to make a small program in Dev-C++ to store arrays of information on employees through a friends funct
guys. How to get values from an array of the nested object, which I getting from the parent component. For example: @Input() result?: FullResult; construc
Try to convert the following object (which was getting from an API response) to an array object. const oldObj = { Georgia : { notes: "lorem ipsum",
Example For picture = ["abc", "ded"] the output should be addBorder(picture) = ["*****", "*abc*", "*ded*
Using Laravel 8 livewire, I need to render a list of name ($list) on per line in a textarea. I do this <div class=" border border-red-800 rounded-lg mt-8 p-4
Hi could anyone explain to me how to sort the folder names in order of creation? list1=["New folder", "New folder 1", "New folder 10", "New folder 2"]
Is there a way to load a file from Codeignier 4 Language directory and assign the array content to a variable. Instead of returning the translated line, I want
I have a 2-dimensional array that stores "chunks" as canvases in a game. I've encountered a weird problem that seems to have manifested itself seemingly without
class LoadXml extends React.Component { constructor() { super(); this.state = { total_page: null, menu_array: [] }; }
I've got these three classes class Totalizavel def retorna (qnt, valor) total = qnt * valor return total end end class Venda < Tota
I have procedurally generated Islands with lakes, its basically a 3D mesh that has points above the water line and points below it, any vertex/point below the w
I want to find a target sum in an array by adding integers until it's reached, then return the indexes which add up to the target by using streams. For example,
I received a big array of object from the backend and I used filtering to leave only these values const markets = ['IT', 'DE', 'UK', 'FR', 'NL