Category "arrays"

How to order an array of object during a forEach()?

So, basically I have this array of objects and I need to order them dependently on the value caricoData, which is a date. Problem is, the value is a string and

Print Diamond shape - Solution in Recursion [closed]

Each line has size 2n+2 The top line begins with n+2 spaces, followed by the uppercase 'o' character, followed by +2 spaces Each lines from

Save BigQuery results to array

I have a query that looks like this SELECT ids FROM `table_name` The results set is as follows | ids | |-----| | 1 | | 2 | | 3 | I need to save this res

Structure formData in an array

I have an extensive form and I'm trying to organize this so that it remains practicable for the plan that I intend to have with it. An example showing what my f

Find sorting algorithm for an elevators floor travel schedule, starting from the current floor with preselected floors to reach and a travel direction

I'm making an elevator in react, But I need to make a function that sorts an array to the nearest to the number X and also there is a condition if the elevator

How do I bold the first Item in my array only, while leaving the rest normal?

so I want to bold the first Item in my array of this typewriter effect. you can see below the type of effect I'm going for. Judaism is <strong> A Religion

Java getJSONArray when it is set to null

The problem happens when I'm trying to get children of a comment. If the child key is null, my application crashes and gives me this error: org.json.JSONExcept

Using VLOOKUP with two lookup values while using IMPORTRANGE to merge three Google Sheets

I have created three google sheets wherein one google sheet is designed as the Masterfile for the data present on the two other google sheets. I was able to mer

How to replace min and max value row in 2-d array python

i have an 2-d array(matrix) 3x3 like [[1, 2, 3],[4, 5, 6],[7, 8, 9]] and i need to replace 2 rows where is max and min value so its looks like: [[7, 8, 9],[4, 5

Faced an error: excess elements in char array initializer during print out of array of strings

I've tryed to print out some array of strings but faced error: excess elements in char array initializer Please make a hint what's worng with this code? Step 1

Jest: test that an array contains none of these values?

I want to verify that a given array doesn't contain any of a list of values. There is expect.arrayContaining but I don't get how it is supposed to be used for t

Binary search program cause runtime error and failed hidden test cases

I am practicing binary search with problem 704 on leetcode. At first, I just follow the concept of binary search and came up with this solution: int search(int*

How to sort array of objects by dates and make new arrays which will contain all objects with same date [closed]

I have a very specific problem in Javascript. I have array of objects, and each object contains some date. const array = [ {name: 'first', dat

How can update values in an array of objects?

how to get new array newSelect using map ,forEach const selects = [false, true, true, true, false]; const oldSelects = [ { select: true, name: 'AA' },

TypeError: state.find is not a function

I try to use the find() method but I get cartItems.find is not a function what happens? and how to fix it? import React, {useState} from 'react' function car

How to sort array in constant time in java and python?

I was trying to learn algos and data structures, and i was wondering about best approach to sort arrays in constant time. I am newbie but my only intention is t

Implode columnar values between two arrays into a flat array of concatenated strings

I have two arrays, $array_A and $array_B. I'd like to append the first value from $array_B to the end of the first value of $array_A and repeat this approach fo

Delete an item(Object) from an array using ng-if

I am trying to remove item using ng-if and ng-else-if. "ng-if="navItem.gbn.indexOf('12345') !== -1" is true then array item only show contains('12345') items. b

Group data in a multidimensional array based on two columns

I have an indexed array of associative arrays like this: [ ['brand' => 'ABC', 'model' => 'xyz', 'size' => 13], ['brand' => 'QWE', 'model' =&

Most efficient way of showing or calling repeat/duplicate HTML?

I have five div elements containing the same six images. Only one div is shown at a time (others are display:none) but all are on the same page. Basic example: