Category "arrays"

How do I take the repeated values in an array and print out the number of duplicates using a for loop ?(Java)

I have written the following program which takes the duplicates in the doubleArray and adds them to a counter. Then I wrote a for loop to print out the values i

Update a dynamic created JS html table after a row is deleted

I have an HTML table dynamically created via JavaScript. After filling in some fields, clicking the "Add" button adds a new row to the table. After inserting a

How to save JSON parsing values to an array in ArduinoJson

Arduino users, help pls! Hi guys! For example, I have a JSON document for parsing ArduinoJson: { "id": [ 1, 7, 32, 9656 ] } I need to save

Change of behavior of a function to compute multiple numpy arrays mean

I have three BGR color values (stored into numpy arrays) and I want to compute their mean value (of each element, as to have a numpy array looking like this : [

How to use Image Literal in the latest Xcode version 13?

I have tried the #imageliteral method but it seems to not working also. I need to use many images in an array so is there any alternative to it or not?

Properly filter names on an array in java

so I have this data on an array and I need to only appear [ {apellido_paterno:"algo",nombre: "jose"} ] in the output but its showing all 3 of the objects let da

PostgreSQL 12.2 with Sequelize 6.3 - UPSERT a array of data and want ON CONFLIT DO UPDATE to merge current existing JSONB and EXCLUDED JSONB

I'm currently using this query to insert or update my array of data when retrieving my list : try { const query = `INSERT INTO "Tables" ("id","tomerge

How can I avoid ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException or IndexOutOfBoundsException? [duplicate]

If your question is I am getting a java.lang.ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException in my code and I do not understand why it is happening, what does

Problem to integrate a function with multiple array in python

I work on a Python Script and I need to integrate a very long function. The function contains several array and I don't succeed to integrate it. I need to integ

How do I add bits to a MemoryStream

So I've been trying to add bits of a value to a MemoryStream but the issue is I have no idea how. I've seen that it's used for performance when it comes to netw

Remove duplicate entries from string array column of postgres

I have a PostgreSQL table where there is column which has array of strings. The row have some unique array strings or some have duplicate strings also. I want t

I want to store data in new index as per my key in php [duplicate]

I am having a data in array format with key and value what I want is from first key 0 to key 6 data I want to store in a new array with index

Why is Merge sort better for large arrays and Quick sort for small ones?

The only reason I see for using merge sort over quick sort is if the list was already (or mostly) sorted. Merge sort requires more space as it creates an extra

Merge two arrays with child elements

I've two arrays as follows and trying to merge with id in this case, menuNo is the id and after that, it'll have a new array with child elements as output. Pare

Angular - Count all dates per month & return month & count array

Basically counting records per month, where each record has a Create Date. Need an array that contains month name + count as variables. Only managed to do it wi

Convert every two values of an associative array into key-value pairs

I need to convert an associative array into a new associative array where the original keys are ignored and every two consecutive values become new key-value pa

iterating different length arrays and replace values

I have a dataframe that looks like this: df = pd.DataFrame({'col1': [[[1,5,3],[0,0,0]], [[1,2,3],[0,0,0], [1,2,3]]]}) # which looks like this: col1 0 [[1

Raku list addition operator `Z+` 'fails' unless one of the lists is forced

I'm struggling to understand why the zip-add Z+ operator does not work on some cases. I have some 2-element lists that I'd like to sum. These work as expected w

What is the difference between Array.from(Object) and [...Object]? [duplicate]

There are these two ES6-methods of creating an array from an array-like or iterable object: Array.from(): let arr = Array.from(Object); Spre

How to store contents of string array into 2D array in python and perform operations without any built in function?

I have tried almost everything I cannot figure it out. I cannot figure out which array to use. This is the question and the required output: