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there`s an error in uploading image to firebase storage from MVC the folder path isn`t shown(

theres an error in uploading image to firebase storage from MVC the folder path isnt shown( controlerpage1 controlerp

Pop-up doesn't show up in MVC

I'm trying to add pop-ups for login but they don't show up. When I make some changes messages work right but they show up as Json. Now only the RedirectToActio

Blank page with no error after i scaffolded Identity

After i scaffolded identity when i run my project it gives me a blank page and the project doesn't have any errors, manually going to a page doesn't work either

.NET MVC - Enabling script sections for AJAX-returned partial views

I would like to make use of the (script) section in ASP .NET MVCs, i.e : @section script { <script>alert("hello");</script> } ...but with parti

Value does not fall within the expected range on async call?

I am reading data from SQL and writing that data on an excel sheet as the data is too large so I am using async call for writing the data in excel. The library

How to pass data to MVC Controller using React.js?

I'm doing a project using React.js as Front End and MVC as Back end Process. Now my query is i have to pass user input values to Controller Method. . I

How to set enum in datatable ColumnProperty of nopcommerce 4.4

I want to set enum in datatable ColumnProperty of nopcommerce 4.4. I tried things like new ColumnProperty(nameof(await(((TransmitEnumStatus)Model.StatusId).ToSe

Is there any way to add multiple language(like french, spanish) in MVC website

the website contains very large amount of data, so it is not possible to convert data in each language and paste it like this enter image description here

WhatsApp integration using API in and angular Js

How can I integrate WhatsApp in CRM project using and Angular Js.Kindly help. Thank you!

in mvc , Stored procedure doesn't return RedirectToAction to the Desired view

in mvc ,I Have Changed individual stored procedure(SP) for crud to all of them in single SP using IF(),now it doesn't return RedirectToAction to the Des

ASP.NET MVC Return Model From View To Action Method

I have been looking at other similar questions to this, but I can't seem to find a way to get this working. My view is being passed into a list of tAdminAlert o

How do I make a scaffolded page the first page

So I'm following the get started tutorial on ASP.NET . So far so good, however going to /controllerName is quite tedious. Is there a way how I can go to that in

How do I make a scaffolded page the first page

So I'm following the get started tutorial on ASP.NET . So far so good, however going to /controllerName is quite tedious. Is there a way how I can go to that in

Foreign key created in shadow and appending random 1 to column name - ASP:NET EF Core

When I migrate my new models and data I get the following error for multiple foreign keys: The foreign key property 'InsurancePolicy.InsuranceSubjectID1' was c

How to change table name depends on User in EnityFramework?

I would like to change reference to db table depends on model, which would be send by user. For example: I have 3 types (A,B,C) of devices and 3 tables (tableA,

Asp MVC CheckBoxFor help needed in postback validation

Probably I'm missing something in this. I need a checkbox to be checked by the user when he submits a form. If he hasn't check the checkbox I need the ModelStat

Asp MVC CheckBoxFor help needed in postback validation

Probably I'm missing something in this. I need a checkbox to be checked by the user when he submits a form. If he hasn't check the checkbox I need the ModelStat

Integrate Login and Signup with Meta mask in ASP.NET MVC?

I want to Integrate Login and Signup with Meta mask in ASP.NET MVC. looking for it for so long. Checked Metamask tutorial but it has code in node.js and the lib

How to change a key value pair within a nested json structure C#

Hello everyone and thanks for helping me in advance. The following question might sound silly but I'm a beginner about it. I have the following json which comes

Handle File Upload type based on button click in Controller - MVC 5

Is there any way to handle uploading file type based on button clicked in MVC 5 Controller. Currently what is happening is all buttons redirect to same page. Al