I have a data frame, like so: data.frame(director = c("Aaron Blaise,Bob Walker", "Akira Kurosawa", "Alan J. Pakula", "Alan Parker", "A
I have a file which contains 100 records... Each record has different size, like some are 1 KB while some are 1 MB. I want to split the file based upon number o
I have a macro that splits a string (list of names) using a space as the delimiter and creates a new row for each name while keeping all data the same in other
I have an issue with this code: from netmiko import ConnectHandler from re import search lsite=[] try: NetworkDevice = { "host" : "ip", "u
I want to split info into Refseq ID, cDNA level change and Protein level change, where Refseq ID represents the substring from the start to the first colon :, c
I am to read from an .txt input and sort into array by line (read: first name, last name, grade1, grade 2, grade3) but I am having issues. I am assuming that I
Probably a simple problem and you can help me quickly. I have a vector with all the terms contained in a list of keywords. Now I want to join each term with all
When I split certain numbers into "ones" and "tens" in python, like that (98) we code >>> num = 98 ones = num % 10 tens = num // 10 print(ones) = 8
I hope this will find you guys well, can you please show me how to split text with whitespace and underscore? For Example, txt= "Im Alex_from_
I have a pandas dataframe with three columns structured like this: Sample Start End <string> <int> <int> The values in "Start" and "End
I want to pre-process my data like the Result section of the attached image before flattening and using it. I want to write an array formula in the cells marked
I have set of data and wants to split multiple rows based on the column value. For Example, Source Data: Expected Output: Thanks, Lawrance A
As the title says, I want to know the difference between sklearn's GroupKFold and GroupShuffleSplit. Both make train-test splits given for data that has a group
I'm a beginner writing my first scraping script trying to extract company name, phone number, and email from the following page. So far my script successfully
How to ignore text inside (). In below example I have to ignore printing directions) & Over right). Example: Text = "A paragraph is a self-contained unit of
I have this df: df = data.frame(ID = c(1,2,3), A = c("h;d;c", "j;k", "k")) And i want to retrieve a new df with splited rows ba
I have this df: df = data.frame(ID = c(1,2,3), A = c("h;d;c", "j;k", "k")) And i want to retrieve a new df with splited rows ba
I'm trying to parse git branch names and split them so I can seperate the remote and the branch name Previously I just split on the first slash: func ParseBra
Under the English_gather flow, when I click 2 or 3 on the caller pad, it keeps going to the first option. Not sure why?
I have a really huge file (>500 million lines) that I want to split in several smaller files according to the first 3 characters of one of its columns. It l