Category "audio-player"

How to implement an Equalizer in Track player?

I am developing a project in react-native for music player. In this project i have to implement equalizer ,can anyone suggest a library for this?

Flutter assets_audio_player

i have a problem with this package (, only and only on iOS after having lowered the volume of a song it does not ra

How do i make auido player play the next song after song ended?

Im trying to implement an autoplay function into this audio player but I cant get it to work, I have been trying for ages and I feel like I wanna give up. Any h

How to play Music (mp3, m4a etc) from Google Drive in Flutter

I want to play Music Files like mp3, m4a files from Google Drive in Flutter. So far, I'm able to fetch the link of files in my google drive Assets I'm using ass

QMediaPlayer and Segmentation Fault

Hello Guys i used just this simple example to play music with this code: QMediaPlayer *mediaPlayer { new QMediaPlayer }; mediaPlayer->setMedia(QUrl(currentMe

Restarting and pausing and resuming clip hangs the gui of music player, while pressing pause and play resumes playing from stopping point

This program is a music player that allows user to pick a .wav file, play, pause, resume, and restart a the music file from a clip object and audioinput stream.