Category "mixed-models"

Tried scale_linetype_manual to add legend but not successful

Following the thread from Tried p + scale_fill_discrete(name = "New Legend Title") but legend title still not changing, I now only want to generate line plot wi

mixed effect model with more than two uncorrelated random effect slopes in python

I have multi-level data and want to fit a mixed-effect model in python due to parallelization potential. But I am not able to compile the formula in 'statsmodel

How to create beepvar or dayvar from time-varying VAR

For my Thesis, I am applying time-varying vector autoregression (TVVAR) on time-series objects. I am using a dataset from an open-source paper. As R-package I a

Difference in R and SPSS LMM output

I am working on a linear mixed model and am attempting to run one on the same data in r and spss. I'm using a treatment with two levels, looking at 10 different

Broom.mixed exp model predictions

I would like to ask for some help with plotting prediction values from my model as well as the equations generated by the estimation of the lmer(). So, the data