Category "authentication"

Signing into slack-desktop not working on 4.23.0 64-bit (Ubuntu) [closed]

In the app, going File > Workspace > Sign in to new workspace launches a browser window. After selecting the workspace in browser, it la

How to create a Hashicorp Vault user using Terraform

I am trying to create a Vault user in Terraform but can't seem to find the appropriate command to do so. I've searched the Terraform Registry and also performed

Login with Facebook leaves me with an empty blank page in Facebook

Using Facebook oauth, that actually worked for the past 4 years until recently. Behaviour: User redirected to Facebook oauth method; User remains in Facebook pa

Can you change user.challengeName in Amplify

I'm trying to give the end-user an option on the UI to reset MFA if the end-user loses access to the device they've been using. I want to change the user.challa

401 Invalid JWT Token Lexik

I'm not sure why i Keep getting a wrong bearer token. { "code": 401, "message": "Invalid JWT Token" } When i debug it on i also get a Invalid S

How do I avoid using a client secret or certificate for Blazor Server when using MSAL?

When using Blazor Server and the MSAL library you must provide either a client secret or a client certificate. Here is what a Blazor Server project uses to setu

JSON response TypeError - 'The "data" argument must be of type string'

The API I'm trying to fetch an access token gives me the following instructions (you can check for yourself at

Authentificate users of another active directory using first active directory using Tomcat and LDAP on Linux

I have two active directories ad1 and ad2 that are trusted by each other. Ad1 has groups that contain both users of ad1 and ad2. Using a Tomcat realm of a Linux

"Value cannot be null. (Parameter 'value') when using claims to login

Hi my login controller is bellow: [HttpPost] [Route("Login")] public IActionResult Login(LoginViewModel login) { if (!ModelState.IsValid

clientSecret null error for UserAssignedMSI AzureBot

I'm having some troubles with authentication when setting up my Bot Framework SDK webchatbot. The bot have been setup in Azure and when testing the bot in the h

Angular - auth0 AuthHttpInterceptor not attaching token to requests

To cut a long story short, I am having problems with auth0's AuthHttpInterceptor class not actually attaching tokens to any outgoing requests. I have been follo

user name and password popup coming for windows authentication in IIS

Details: I have hosted internal application on IIS 10. One of functionality requirement is open the one of the form to external users (out of our organization).

Login if user is active using Laravel Breeze

I've changed it in the LoginRequest.php file at authenticate function, but it doesn't work. if (! Auth::attempt($this->only('email', 'password', ['active' =&

Unable to Access SharePoint using PowerShell

I have registered an Application on Azure and I am trying to get an access token using the following command. $Auth=Get-ODAuthentication -ClientId 01xex4x7-f0e2

Adding Google authentication to ASP.NET with Angular Visual Studio template

I have a project that I created with the ASP.NET with Angular Visual Studio template with the individual accounts authentication type. I then added Google authe

OpenIdDict - WebApi endpoint protection

I am trying to implement WebApi protected by access_token issued by an OpenIdDict auth server. Some APIs don't require authentication, while others do. The form

Laravel 9: Custom login

I am trying to change the default table that laravel 9 uses to authenticate the users. But while I can see that user is authenticanted in the login function of

Is it possible to to use Azure AD V1 V2 token token using MSAL in Microservices?

I m working with azure add and have more then 10 microservices. have existing implementation with ADAL library. now I have started converting my microservice to

Same password hash not matching

I am trying to create and test my api for login using C#. Below is the major part of the code: private static void CreatePasswordHash(string password, out byte[

I am unable to login into azure using my system powershell

A web browser has been opened at Please continue the login in the web browser. If no web