Category "authentication"

Adding Google authentication to ASP.NET with Angular Visual Studio template

I have a project that I created with the ASP.NET with Angular Visual Studio template with the individual accounts authentication type. I then added Google authe

OpenIdDict - WebApi endpoint protection

I am trying to implement WebApi protected by access_token issued by an OpenIdDict auth server. Some APIs don't require authentication, while others do. The form

Laravel 9: Custom login

I am trying to change the default table that laravel 9 uses to authenticate the users. But while I can see that user is authenticanted in the login function of

Is it possible to to use Azure AD V1 V2 token token using MSAL in Microservices?

I m working with azure add and have more then 10 microservices. have existing implementation with ADAL library. now I have started converting my microservice to

Same password hash not matching

I am trying to create and test my api for login using C#. Below is the major part of the code: private static void CreatePasswordHash(string password, out byte[

I am unable to login into azure using my system powershell

A web browser has been opened at Please continue the login in the web browser. If no web

Deribit FIX API Logon

Following code doesn't seem to work to Logon using FIX API. Getting "invalid credentials" from the exchange though same username and access key seem to work wit

Typescript says NextJS environment variables are undefined

I'm trying to make social login using 'react-google-login'. .env in root NEXT_PUBLIC_GOOGLE_CLIENT_ID=askfjaskf Ready.tsx import { GoogleLogin } from "react-go

React + NextJS - Protected routes

Objective : I want to redirect a logged in user to the home page if he/she tries to manually go to the /auth/signin. Signin page/component : const Signin = ({

How to get the user detail from auth0 in reactJs

I have used the auth0 in react and now I have added the additionalSignUpField in signup the define the user role. So now How I can get the user role while user

Keycloak: HTTP request with Client Credentials always returns 'login' page

We're developing spring boot service and we managed to setup an OAuth2 with Keycloak and Google as OpenID provider. This works fine in a browser. Now, I need to

NextAuth authentication not working on Deployment on Vercel (Working on localhost)

Used credentials for authentication with nextauth. My code is not working on vercel deployment but working on localhost. I used the basic cresdentials for authe

When try to log in as user : Target class [Laravel\Fortify\Http\Controllers\AuthenticateSessionController] does not exist

I am new to Laravel 8, I am trying to make a multi auth system for admin and user. I made a guard for admin, in FortifyServiceProvider in register method I adde

Expo AuthSession new window not redirecting on Web

We are using AuthSession.startAsync to initiate an authentication process in our app, which is working fine on iOS and Android. However when we run it the web b

Nuxt Auth Module c5 doesn't refresh token automatically when token expires

Version module: 5.0.0-1624817847.21691f1 nuxt: 2.15.8 Nuxt configuration Universal Nuxt configuration // Auth: (v5) auth: { redirect:

Flutter-How do I switch from login screen to home and back? Back-end works but can't show screen without manually refresh

1.this is the main entry void main() { WidgetsFlutterBinding.ensureInitialized(); StorageUtil.getInstance(); runApp(MaterialApp(home: MyApp()));

SvelteKit API requests with Axios JWT authentication

I am creating an app with a SvelteKit client and a Laravel API stack, but I am struggling to safely authenticate my client to my API. Ideally I want to store a

React app won't connect to django-rest database

I'm to update the frontend of this site it has a react frontend and a Django backend, auth is made with Django-rest-f

connect to remote server with paramiko without asking for password

I'm using paramiko to write a python script that establishes an ssh connection with a remote-server. Since I use the same username and password every time I ini

CSRF cookies not set - React, JWT, Django

I'm rather confused regarding the following error: "Forbidden (CSRF cookie not set.)". This error is received during attempting to logout, login, signup. The pr