Category "tsql"

Difference between Sqlcmd and Invoke-Sqlcmd

I am trying to learn Sqlcmd utility in PowerShell to run SQL queries, specifically for database administration. Using Version 15.0.1300.359 NT But I got confuse

Trouble inserting values into SQL table, values get mistaken for columns

I keep getting an exception that reads: "Invalid Column Name, 'IBM'." The error is happening at: "' + @ticker + '" even though @ticker is declared in VALUES.

Structure of T-SQL tables

I am switching from MySQL to SQL Server for a new job and I have encountered something I don't quite understand as I haven't encountered something like this bef

Is there a way to store full DDL of View or Procedure definition from another database in separate table

I'm trying to store DDLs of some views and stored procedures in a separate table in the Dump database. There are too many similar databases on the server. But s

Remove duplicates from SQL Window function

I'm trying to sum values inside a window function but I can't figure out have to prevent summing duplicates. Below is a snippet of the results I have right now.

Pivot two columns

I have data that looks likes: stu_id course_name staff_name 1 Economics - 3 Kuzma, Brian 1 History Hulings, Kreg 1 IHS IB Lit of Americ Duncan, Amy 2 Marine Bi

How to replace starting two digit (00) with blank space in T-SQL?

I have a table where as codes are present in the form of 78,7244,d345 by default few records are found where the codes are start with 0072 . I have to delete st

How can I get the output of the query below into one result set in t-sql?

I only have only "read" permissions to the database. I am trying to pull data out of several tables with the same fields. I am pulling the table names from th

Cannot initialize the data source object of OLE DB provider "OraOLEDB.Oracle" for linked server

I am trying to query data from linked server. It is giving me the following error: TNS:listener does not currently know of service requested in connect descrip

SQL Server - Combine two select queries

I have two tables, Semester1 and Semester2. Semester1: StudentId SubjectId abc sub1 def sub1 ghi sub1 Semester2: StudentId SubjectId abc changedSub1 def sub1

How to remove the first word from a large string

I want to remove the first word from a large string in SQL Server. Input string: 931078027 BP 16:20:0:13 25 BAG 'B' CLASS Desired output: BP 16:20:0:13 25 BAG

How to validate the date in a varchar column in SQL Server

I have a staging table which contains all varchar columns. I want to validate a date stored in the data column. Since my staging table contains all varchar colu

T-SQL - search in filtered JSON array

SQL Server 2017. Table OrderData has column DataProperties where JSON is stored. JSON example stored there: { "Input": { "OrderId": "abc", "Data": [

SUM() with entries from 2 table

Select p.pnum, SUM(CASE WHEN P.NegativeScreen = 'Type99' THEN 1 ELSE 0 END) TotalDetected, SUM(IIF(P.IsPositive = 1, 1,0)) TotalP, SUM

SQL User-Defined table Type in INTO statement

I want to Create a table @tablename with data from a User-Defined Table Type but I get the error Must declare the table variable "@tablename" ALTER PROCEDURE

ERROR: Unsupported PIVOT column type: text

I'm trying to perform a PIVOT but getting an error. I'm trying to see which patients have more than one Interval session. The column is a text type. I attempted

How do I add an error message to my stored procedure when 0 rows are affected?

I am trying to learn how to use transactions and error handling. Got stuck with custom error messages. The stored procedure generates badges for AdventureWorks

Select item that is different in each of group by a column

I have this sample table +--------+-------------+ | DBName | Description | +--------+-------------+ | A | Car | | A | Boat | | B

SQL Server : run a script on all databases

I have a SQL script with a function (function drops at the end of the script) and temporary table definitions and variables to process the data that gives me on

Leading space with STR function [closed]

I need to get a comma separated list with quotes and I'm almost at that point but I get a list with commas but a leading space at the start bu