Category "automated-tests"

ExtentSparkReporter type or namespace cannot be found, why is this happening? C#

ExtentSprakReporter type or namespace not foundI'm trying to generate extent reports for my project and ExtentV3HtmlReporter is deprecated. The extent website s

Cypress doesn't take updated values in the repetition, only takes hard coded numbers

Why does it seems like cypress wants to know how many times the test cases will repeat before running all the test-cases. In my case I have two test files somet

Error calling a command based on the number of items within an array

I have the following problem: I want to call my service a number of times. This number of times must be based on the number of times in my array. Below my step

Unable to determine element locating strategy for -android uiautomator

I have a method which works perfectly on locally, but when I launch it on server I've got an error: org.openqa.selenium.InvalidArgumentException: Unable to det

Android Pre-launch test Crash due to androidx.test.espresso.web.sugar.Web$WebInteraction.doEval execption

It happens when the Robotest tries to load Google Webpages into the Webview of the App. Specifically for Samsung Device SM-G960U1, SDK 8, API Level 26. Fatal ex

ReactSelector can not access all components

i am new to React and Testcafe and have to write some end-to-end tests. I thougt, it was a good idea to mainly use the ReactSelector from 'testcafe-react-select

Playwright: .toBeVisible() timeout is ignored

I faced an unclear behavior in the Playwright 1.18 toBeVisible() expectation. Here is the test row: await expect('.top-row .close i')).toBeVis

Is there a way to create or delete file in AWS EFS programmatically from any machine?

Every time I run an automated test that creates and deletes files from a shared EFS, I have to go to that EC2 that has the EFS mounted. Is there a way to create

Selenium test cases get stuck in build agents. How to resolve?

We are running 200 - 300 UI test cases from an Azure pipeline. All the test cases are running on self hosted Windows agents, where all the dependencies are inst

how to find href attribute to an element using cypress testing library?

using findByRole I get this error because of multiple matches on search my parameter. Timed out retrying after 5000ms: Found multiple elements with the role "li

Docker Selenium VPN: How to access internal or QA website on Docker container

I am trying to run selenium automation on QA/Staging server on Docker chrome container. I am using following code from

Testing randomness function without intended mean

I have a program that tests a randomness function for how truly random it is: function testRandom(randomF, tests, intendedMean){ let total = 0; fo

Cypress shows the JS window._tcfapi error which I cannot reproduce from manual testing

Cypress test which reproduce this error This t

Is there a way to use an XML file to run Selenium tests?

I have a selenium test with over 100 lines of findElement, click(), sendKeys().... Is there a way I can create an XML or text file of the different parameters a

Pabot: How to use different dataset for each thread

I'm trying to Use Pabot to parallelize Robot Tests. Let me explain the issue. Assume I have TestA and TestB tests. And DataA , DataB dataset. There is 2 way/ go

Click on pop up/ alert to launch web app using selenium

Currently in my tests when i select a button a pop up appears asking me to launch my web application However I cant seem to switch onto this pop up as if its a

Cypress custom command is not recognized when invoked

I've created the following custom command in my cypress/support/commands.js file. Cypress.Commands.add("login", (username, password) => { cy.request({

Check TestCafe is running

I use TestCafe for testing a website. I use the testcafe inside my node module. Users can start the test out of the node presented website. I start it with:

How to have Cypress go through every page on site to see if there are any console errors and if so, make it known to the user running the test

I want Cypress to go through every page to see on a website to see if there are any console errors and if so, make it known to the user running the test. (I'm t

How to slow down test execution in TestCafe?

I want to check UI test execution written by another developer. It is too fast for my eyes and brain to catch what is happening. How do I slow down the executio