Hi, Please see the attached picture for the settings of the extension Ponicode - used to automate unit tests How do I find the Node Path for node js on my wind
Sup Guys! I'm finishing an Assesment related to an PHP/MySql App; I have learning from scratch since I have never seen PHP before, and I have to admit that I wo
I very new to Playwright. Due to my test suites, I need to login into my application before running each test. Inside a single spec file that is easy, I can sim
I am setting up an automated framework to run tests on Android emulators, using Appium. I have added logic to launch Appium and the emulator programatically, bu
WebUI.maximizeWindow() does not work for katalon docker image, The command works fine on Katalon desktop, but when I run this on docker image it seems to igno
TL/DR: Right now it launches 2 browsers but only runs the test in 1. What am I missing? So I'm trying to get selenium hub working on a mac (OS X 10.11.5). I in
I want to test an authenticated post request on an API using Pytest. This is what I am doing so far: def test_auth_user_can_create(self, client):
I've been tooling around with Playwright on Python (v1.16) and thought I'd migrate some of our Cypress tests as an experiment. However, I've run into several sn
How can I access the element using xpath selector if that particular element does not have any attributes? <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <chal
I have an editor page. When I add any content and click the "Save" button my URL will change, adding a random id in the URL. I want to check if my ID's are chan
Please help. I think that there is a mistake when initializing the page public class AuthStepDefinitions { private final AuthPage authPage = new AuthPage();