Apple Reject by distribution submission width ITMS-90809: Deprecated API Usage - New apps that use UIWebView are no longer accepted. Instead, use WKWebView Spec
I want to change the color of a custom svg icon on clicking a button <ion-item> <ion-icon src="../../assets/img/icon-qr.svg"></ion-icon>
I am using an ionic DateTime component to pick just time in my page. But I have to just allow the user to select times from 06:30 Am to 07:30 PM. How can I limi
I am creating an app in ionic4, I have a functionality where user can enter the only integer number (0-9), so I want to restrict any other character i.e alphabe
I am trying to show the list of language available as an Action sheet. But as soon as the language button is pressed the action sheet closes automatically. Is t
I am trying to convert this ionic 3 code into ionic 4 but I don't know how the promise works on ionic 4. I tried looking into the documentations and I can't fin
I have a simple form with two fields: username and email. My test looks like this: ... fit('should create', () => { console.log(fixture.debugElement.nat
Can someone tell how I can get the Value of an Input field in an Ionic Vue Application. I've tried the following way, but I get an error saying "this.inputEAN i
The scenario I have implemented my ion-datetime into requires that certain dates can be disabled. Blockout dates. This is something that's fairly common in apps
I think I’m facing a strange issue. I’m trying to show an image using ion-img inside an ion-card component : <ion-card> <ion-img src="
When I run the ionic capacitor run android command, to launch my application in Android Studio, I get the error saying: Unable to launch Android Studio." Yo
What is the best method to remove the scroll bar in Ionic 4 while still keeping the ability to scroll and using the shadow DOM? ::-webkit-scrollbar, *::-webkit
I am wondering if this a common problem. My ion-title is not centered in the toolbar on android. I googled it but I couldn't find anything for ionic 4, what I
I'm attempting to use PDFMaker for my Ionic 5 project. 1 prerequisite is to use the Native File and FileOpener. When I try to import the module, I get the below
I am using Ionic 4's ion-search like so: <ion-searchbar #searchbarElem (ionInput)="getItems($event)" (tap)="handleT
I am trying to deploy my ionic app to Google Play. However, when I upload the app apk file, I get this error message You need to use a different package name be
I have set up a project using ionic framework v4 with React and wish to add a webpack loader to allow importing graphql queries from .graphql files, as describe
I am facing problem to change slider bullets in Ionic v4 .swiper-pagination-bullet { --bullet-background: red; }
I am using ion-tabs for my frontend angular ionic app. I am using nested tabs, So 1st ion-tabs have 3 tabs, Tab 1, Tab 2, feature-tabs and feature-tabs has 3 ta
hope this is not a stupid question. connecting ionic and java springboot , there's no error message when the app is live serving in a browser and the data is