Category "ionic4"

Apple App store Reject App Submission with Deprecated API Usage error apps that use UIWebView are no longer accepted. Instead, use WKWebView

Apple Reject by distribution submission width ITMS-90809: Deprecated API Usage - New apps that use UIWebView are no longer accepted. Instead, use WKWebView Spec

How to change the color of custom svg icon in ionic 4?

I want to change the color of a custom svg icon on clicking a button <ion-item> <ion-icon src="../../assets/img/icon-qr.svg"></ion-icon>

How to set minimum and max times in an ion-datetime

I am using an ionic DateTime component to pick just time in my page. But I have to just allow the user to select times from 06:30 Am to 07:30 PM. How can I limi

Ionic 4 ion-input allow number only, restrict alphabet and special character

I am creating an app in ionic4, I have a functionality where user can enter the only integer number (0-9), so I want to restrict any other character i.e alphabe

Ionic 4 ion-action-controller prevent auto close on button click

I am trying to show the list of language available as an Action sheet. But as soon as the language button is pressed the action sheet closes automatically. Is t

How to return a promise with alertcontroller in ionic 4?

I am trying to convert this ionic 3 code into ionic 4 but I don't know how the promise works on ionic 4. I tried looking into the documentations and I can't fin

Input not rendered for ion-input in tests

I have a simple form with two fields: username and email. My test looks like this: ... fit('should create', () => { console.log(fixture.debugElement.nat

Get Value from <ion-input> in function using Vue.js

Can someone tell how I can get the Value of an Input field in an Ionic Vue Application. I've tried the following way, but I get an error saying "this.inputEAN i

Disabled dates in ion-datetime (Ionic 4, Ionic 5)

The scenario I have implemented my ion-datetime into requires that certain dates can be disabled. Blockout dates. This is something that's fairly common in apps

ion-img doesn't work inside an ion-card - Ionic 4

I think I’m facing a strange issue. I’m trying to show an image using ion-img inside an ion-card component : <ion-card> <ion-img src="

How to run Ionic app on android-studio with capacitor on Ubuntu?

When I run the ionic capacitor run android command, to launch my application in Android Studio, I get the error saying: Unable to launch Android Studio." Yo

Ionic 4 - Remove Scroll Bar

What is the best method to remove the scroll bar in Ionic 4 while still keeping the ability to scroll and using the shadow DOM? ::-webkit-scrollbar, *::-webkit

Ionic 4 ion-title in toolbar is not centered on android

I am wondering if this a common problem. My ion-title is not centered in the toolbar on android. I googled it but I couldn't find anything for ionic 4, what I

Type 'FileOriginal' is not assignable to type 'Provider' when trying to use Native File in Ionic

I'm attempting to use PDFMaker for my Ionic 5 project. 1 prerequisite is to use the Native File and FileOpener. When I try to import the module, I get the below

How to get nativeElement from @ViewChild in Ionic 4/Angular7?

I am using Ionic 4's ion-search like so: <ion-searchbar #searchbarElem (ionInput)="getItems($event)" (tap)="handleT

Ionic 4: You need to use a different package name because "io.ionic.starter" already exists in Google Play

I am trying to deploy my ionic app to Google Play. However, when I upload the app apk file, I get this error message You need to use a different package name be

How to add custom webpack config with ionic v4 and react?

I have set up a project using ionic framework v4 with React and wish to add a webpack loader to allow importing graphql queries from .graphql files, as describe

How to change swiper-pagination-bullet background in ionicv4

I am facing problem to change slider bullets in Ionic v4 .swiper-pagination-bullet { --bullet-background: red; }

ionic 4 nested tabs ion-tab-button 'tab' property is not working properly for nested tabs

I am using ion-tabs for my frontend angular ionic app. I am using nested tabs, So 1st ion-tabs have 3 tabs, Tab 1, Tab 2, feature-tabs and feature-tabs has 3 ta

SyntaxError: Unexpected token < in JSON at position 0 at JSON.parse (<anonymous>) at XMLHttpRequest.onLoad

hope this is not a stupid question. connecting ionic and java springboot , there's no error message when the app is live serving in a browser and the data is