Category "aws-cdk"

AWS lambda doesn't return binary content

I have an API which I'm deploying to AWS using CDK. I'm using the lambda proxy integration. I'm trying to create a new API call which will return a zip file, bu

Creating MSK event source mapping for Lambda function fails

I am using the AWS-CDK to create a stack with an AWS-MSK cluster and a Lambda function which should be triggered, when a new message is available in a specific

Policystatement is getting generated while adding SNS destination to Lambda

I have a create-lambda stack and i am adding an existing SNS topic as the destination thru CDK + Python. While deploying the code i am getting an error The func

Invalidate Cloudfront cache with AWS CDK Pipelines

As part of my CodePipeline in CDK I would like, as the last step, to invalidate the Cloudfront cache. This is my current Deploy action step: { stageName: 'Dep

How to specify a validation domain for AWS CDK when using tokens for domain names

I'm requesting a domain certificate from an AWS CDK stack. For the domain name, I use a value from AWS Parameter Store like: const domainName = StringParameter.

Reuse a parent CDK Stack in other App project

First at all, it's important mention that I'm not using CDK as usual. Instead I'm creating resources on-the-fly programatically. So, basically, I have a multi-t

Using CDK to Create a Step Function With Dependencies on Other AWS Resources (Like a Lambda) Owned By Different Projects

We're using AWS Step Functions in our application. We have one step function we're creating with the use of the CDK as part of a deployment of Application A fro

AWS CDK - Cognito UserPool authorizer on API Gateway not working

My goal is to set up some lambda functions which are public (i.e. no authorization required to send requests) and other ones which require a User to be logged i

AWS CDK : Exception while creating API Gateway with VPC Interface Endpoint

I am trying to lookup for an existing VPC, retrieve all the private subnets (making sure there is only private subnet in each availability zone). Create VPC end

Allow AWS Aurora VPC Cluster to be publicly accessible using CDK

I have tried configuring the RDS cluster using cluster.connections.allowDefaultPortFromAnyIpv4(); but still I am not able to connect to my postgres instance, it

Default credentials can not be used to assume new style deployment roles

Following pipelines readme to set up a deployment pipeline, I ran $ env CDK_NEW_BOOTSTRAP=1 npx cdk bootstrap \ --cloudformation-execution-policies arn:aws:

CDK deploy results in "Bucket named 'x' exists, but not in account 067685711111. Wrong account?"

I am modifying a CDK pipeline that works. I am adding a lambda, and when this code modification is made, the pipeline fails with an error. import * as cdk from

AWS CDK deploy from circleCi fails with credential error but other aws services do not

I am running a cdk deploy build on circleCi, and when the step CDK deploy comes it gives me "Need to perform AWS calls for account ************, but no credenti

cdk python transit gateway route table entry

Using cdk I'm trying to make a route table entry. The target I'm trying to add is a transit gateway. I'm using the Subnet construct and the add_route() method.

CDK: aws_cdk.aws_ecs.EcrImage vs aws_cdk.aws_ecs.ContainerImage

What is the difference between using aws_cdk.aws_ecs.EcrImage and aws_cdk.aws_ecs.ContainerImage to create instances using CDK?

How to disable life-cycle hooks when creating auto scaling group?

Hi I am working on aws cdk to create resources in aws. When i created aws auto scaling group, I see there are many other resources got created. autoScallingGr

AWS CDK | Create a REST API spanning multiple CDK Stacks

We are using AWS CDK to create our Serverless REST API. However, there are a large number of endpoints and sometimes we have to destroy and redeploy our stack.

How to add environment variable to CloudFront function in CDK?

I've created an CloudFront function in CDK: func = cloudfront.Function( self, "redirect", code=cloudfront.FunctionCode.from_file( file_path=

aws_cdk events rule target for cdk pipelines fails

below error pops when I try to target a CDK pipeline using events targets. jsii.errors.JavaScriptError: Error: Resolution error: Supplied properties not corr

Get 403 Error when trying to use CloudFront OAI for S3 bucket access

I have a S3 bucket which hosts my react website. I banned public access to the bucket, and configured an OAI to access the S3 bucket. I can see that I have gran