Category "aws-cdk"

Need to perform AWS calls for account xxx, but no credentials have been configured

I'm trying to deploy my stack to aws using cdk deploy my-stack. When doing it in my terminal window it works perfectly, but when im doing it in my pipeline i ge

How to install AWS Load Balancer Controller in a CDK project

I am trying to write a high-level CDK construct that can be used to deploy Django applications with EKS. I have most of the k8s manifests defined for the applic

Does local node version affect the cdk command for aws?

I was wondering if I have node version 16 on my computer and if I develop my aws lambda locally with cdk and specified the runtime as NODEJS_14, will it still w

How to determine and change AWS CDK bootstrap version?

I am getting this error: arn:aws:cloudformation:us-east-1:<account>:stack/cdk-workshop/79cdc290-bb48-11ec-87f4-0a9e17cd1915 current credentials could not

Create API Gateway that can read non-public S3 bucket using CDK

I am trying to create a proxy API Gateway using CDK that can access non-public S3 bucket. To do this, I created a role: const role = new iam.Role(this, 'apigw-s

Specify content-type in API Gateway method response using CDK

I am creating proxy API gateway to non-public S3 bucket using CDK. The S3 bucket contains html, javascript, and css files. I created an api using CDK like this:

aws cdk 2.0 init app fails to build with prettier issues, which is from jest-snapshot

node: v16.7.0cdk: 2.0.0 (build 4b6ce31) package.json: "devDependencies": { "@types/jest": "^26.0.10", "@types/node": "10.17.27", "aws-cdk": "2.0.0

Unable to get AWS CDK ACM DNS Validated certificate to create

I seem to be unable to get an ACM DNS Validated certificate (aws-cdk 2.23.0, 2.24.0) to validate for a .info domain. It times out every time. I'm pretty sure I

CDK Deploy results in a "Unexpected token A in JSON at position 0"

Im trying to deploy a super simple CDK stack With just a SQS queue but it throws the error Unexpected token A in JSON at position 0 SyntaxError: Unexpected toke

Argument of type 'this' not assignable to parameter 'Construct'

I am trying to call a lambda function into a 'sample app' stack and it is giving me an error because I am trying to pass it a parameter of 'this'. Here is my l

Trigger an aws-amplify build via aws-cdk

I am creating a aws-amplify app via aws-cdk and everything works fine except it doesn't start a build automatically. If I do a git commit (I have enabled contin

Lambda can't find modules from outer folders when deployed with CDK

I am deploying some apis to API Gateway using cdk. My problem is the file that contains the lambda(index.ts) can't import any files or npm modules outside that

How to install dependencies of lambda functions upon cdk build with AWS CDK

When using AWS SAM I used to run build command which would go through all of my Lambda function packages and install their dependencies (run npm install on them

How to retrieve SecretsManager secret in AWS CDK

I'm setting up a Fargate service in AWS using CDK const albFargateService = new ecs_patterns.ApplicationLoadBalancedFargateService( this, 'FargateServic

Setting API Gateway URL Path Parameter mapping with the CDK

I'm attempting to deploy a greedy path parameter for a proxy endpoint in API Gateway. However every time I deploy the next time I try to use the proxying path,

aws-cdk kms multi-region key. What constructors use to setup regions?

Using AWS CDK we could create multi-region KMS keys by Creating the principal key(pk) with the level 1 constructor CfnKey Creating the replica of the principal

How to create tables in Postgres RDS using CDK?

I created a Postgres RDS database using the CDK. I read the documentation but didn't find a way to create tables through it. The language I'm using is TypeScrip

AWS CDK - How to test a resource has one value within an array of values

I have a test suite for an EC2 Redis construct that tests if the resource has particular IAM policies attached. I can test if it has all of the values within on

How to add a security group to an existing RDS with CDK without cyclic-dependency

I have a multi-stack application where I want to deploy an RDS in one stack and then in a later stack deploy a Fargate cluster that connects to the RDS. Here is

Purpose and scope of AWS CDK bootstrap stack?

The docs on AWS CDK boostrapping state of the cdk bootstrap command: cdk bootstrap Deploys a CDKToolkit CloudFormation stack into the specified environment(s),