Category "aws-codeartifact"

How to use AWS CodeArtifact *within* A Dockerfile in AWSCodeBuild

I am trying to do a pip install from codeartifact from within a dockerbuild in aws codebuild. This article does not quite solve my problem:

AWS CodeArtifact token update

I created AWS CodeArtifact repository, obtained token with aws codeartifact get-authorization-token command, and set it correctly to .m2/settings.xml (my projec

README not presented at AWS CodeArtifact

I wish to present a README file on CodeArtifact. I deployed a new version that contains a README.MD file however the Description (marked in red) is still greye

Cross account access to a CodeArtifact repo

I have an IAM user in account A with admin privileges and arn:aws:iam::aws:policy/AWSCodeArtifactReadOnlyAccess attached for good measure. The iam user from acc