I am using AWS Lambda to host a nodeJs service that fetch my open invoices on Stripe and execute a payment and update my database. The problem is that most of t
Our intention is to trigger a lambda when messages are received in an SQS queue. we only want one invocation of the lambda to run at a time (maximum concurrency
I have built a more simple test image that works. The Dockerfile installs python, then Fluent-Bit, and then the CMD is a shell script that starts both processes
I am trying to use the AWS RDS Proxy on my lambda to proxy our database (Aurora MySQL). I wasn't able to find any specific instructions for Sequelize, but it se
I've a plain simple aws lambda written in java(No framework involved). Currently, I've used a Singleton instance for DBConnection as I wanted to re-use the earl
We're using AWS Step Functions in our application. We have one step function we're creating with the use of the CDK as part of a deployment of Application A fro
My goal is to set up some lambda functions which are public (i.e. no authorization required to send requests) and other ones which require a User to be logged i
I use AWS Simple Email Services (SES) for email. I've configured SES to save incoming email to an S3 bucket, which triggers an AWS Lambda function. This functio
I am using "serverless": "^2.43.1". I am following official docs from: https://www.serverless.com/examples/aws-node-scheduled-cron but.. this does not seems to
I am trying to create an external function in Athena using AWS Lambda function. I am able to do so and query successfully using Athena query editor. Code is bel
I am using the AWS Lambda Jenkins plugin. Using the AWS Lambda deployment build step works fine initially for deploying the lambda. However on subsequent calls
I am using the AWS Lambda Jenkins plugin. Using the AWS Lambda deployment build step works fine initially for deploying the lambda. However on subsequent calls
When running aws lambda update-function-code --function-name my-function --zip-file fileb://my-zip-file.zip" it opens an editor with the details upon completio
I am facing issues playing audio files from my s3 bucket. I was wondering if I set up the cross origin resource policy poorly. Here is my server.js file: app.us
I work with Amplify/graphQl transformer V2, I try to do the same things like the official documentation of Amplify : https://docs.amplify.aws/cli/graphql/data-m
I have created an AWS lambda with C# .net core 3.1. This lambda takes a json object as input and one of the property names of the json object is a datetime. Loo
I recently added a Lambda Layer to one of my work projects and while it's been a huge success in almost every way, I'm having issues running my tests now. This
I have an AWS lambda program that is getting this warning in logs: /var/task/requests/init.py:89: RequestsDependencyWarning: urllib3 (1.26.6) or chardet (3.0.4
I am modifying a CDK pipeline that works. I am adding a lambda, and when this code modification is made, the pipeline fails with an error. import * as cdk from
I have installed some python libraries ands added them to a layer of a function. I have got the error which said "errorMessage": "No module named 'psycopg2'" So