Category "loops"

I want to repeat a function indefinitely [duplicate]

I am working through some exercises on python and my task is to create a program that can take a number, divide it by 2 if it is an even numbe

Python: Iterate through YAML file and output all relevant settings from hierarchy

I'm new to python and am looking for the best way to import a YAML file into Python and iterate through it to collect relevant appsettings for a specific instan

Iterate over lists inside a dictionary

Is there any way to iterate over lists inside a dictionary. A key inside dictionary contains a list which needs to be iterated over separately from the other li

how can I stop the song in the buzzer when there is a bright light coming in ldr sensor?

I tried doing the if else statement for the buzzer. But it finishes the song code first before the else statement runs. I tried running the code and it starts t

List changed in a function [duplicate]

I'm supposed to rotate the list iteratively which means put the first element to the last, and the rest move forward until it back to the orig

Remove Key = NaN within loop for Specific Column

I created a dictionary from a dataframe using a loop. The key are ID's but some ID's are NaN from source. How can I drop rows in the loop where the ID column (w

How to select and click a child div with Puppeteer

I am new to Puppeteer; trying to click on the first div after div with class version-cell create-update. Not all web pages I scrape will have the version-cell c

write each result of the loop to a python list

I have the txt file as follows: 0 1 2 0 // 7697 909 1 // 3536 4921 2 // 1421 6919 3 * 9805 -8620 4 + -862 -5869 ... ...

How to use data files of sub-directories and perform iterative operation in python

I have my jupyter notebook (python script) in current directory. In current directory, I have two subfolders, namely a and b. In both directories a and b I have

How to loop over on different files and save the output with filename in R?

I have several files with the names RTDFE, TRYFG, FTYGS, 100 files in txt format. For each file, I'm using the following code and writing the outpu

Hack assembly language - finding the maximum number in RAM

as a task I have to find the maximum number in the RAM locations 10 to 20 and we have to write the solution into RAM[0]. I have a big problem with getting the i

Finding motifs and position of motif in FASTA file - Perl

Can someone help me with this Perl code? When I run it, nothing happens. No errors or anything which is weird to me. It reads in and opens the file just fine. I

Dead code in eclipse when trying to find the sum of an array

I tried to find the sum of any array by using the for loop but the i++ part ended up being the deadcode unreachable. I don't understand why? public static int

iterate through complex nested json array javascript

nested json structure Json Structure: { "id": "30080", "dataelements": { "Name": "abc", }, "children": [ {

My for loop breaks and repeats the output over and over, also I cannot use Dictionaries in this

My code is a WW2 fact machine and for example if you input "1939" the code should print "start of war". If you input a keyword like "Dunkirk" it should work the

How can I loop one frame with ffmpeg? All the other frames should point to the first with no changes, maybe like a recusion

I want to make a long video from a single image in ffmpeg. I need it to be fastly encodeable and at the end the video should have a small file size. Is it pos

Error when renaming columns with plyr in a loop in R

I found similar error but it seems the problem is not the same. for (i in colnames(t[,4:ncol(t)])) { for (j in poids_teff$station) { if (i == j) { t

For Each Loop stops after deleting one row

I am trying to use an if else statement to delete the entire row when a text value is found in a cell within a given range. The code stops after deleting one ro

Iterate through a list of servers in SQL Server

I have a script similar to below and get: Could not find server '@CURSERVER' in sys.servers. Verify that the correct server name was specified. If necessary, e

how to get value of current row in Crystal Reports formula?

I have a formula in Crystal Reports that needs to sum only a certain number of values, but can't seem to figure out how to get the current value of a field for