Category "aws-lambda"

Facebook Messenger doesn't display messages returned by bot's lambdas

I created a chatbot with Amazon Lex and integrated it with Facebook Messenger. Responses defined in Lex Console (Response section) are returned to the messenger

AWS CloudFormation stack stuck in the state UPDATE_ROLLBACK_IN_PROGRESS

I wanted to update my stack. The stack failed with error Function not found: arn:aws:lambda.... And stack in status UPDATE_ROLLBACK_IN_PROGRESS more than 5 hour

Copy and Merge files to another S3 bucket

I have a source bucket where small 5KB JSON files will be inserted every second. I want to use AWS Athena to query the files by using an AWS Glue Datasource and

Your access has been denied by S3, please make sure your request credentials have permission to GetObject for awsserverlessrepo

Lambda uses "Browse Serviceless Application Repository" to create an application when creating a function and shows no S3 permissions. Here is how my Lambda cre

Runtime.HandlerNotFound aws lambda node.js

"errorType": "Runtime.HandlerNotFound", "errorMessage": "index.handler is undefined or not exported", "trace": [ "Runtime.HandlerNotFound: index.handler is

Enable/Disable or delete aws lambda trigger on s3:Objectcreated.* using python

I have a lambda function that triggers when any new objectCreated(s3:Objectcreated.*) in a Bucket A-prod, This lambda process the file saves the result in B-pro

How to read log file from s3 (cloudtrail) in Lambda function

I have just started using aws and have no idea on how to read log files in lambda from s3 that have been created by CloudTrail (using python-boto3)

AWS Lambda running tensorflow packages exceed limit 250 MB

I need to do a segmentation prediction for a tensorflow-keras model. My idea was to upload an image into an S3 bucket, and with the AWS Lambda service, trigger

"status": 500, "message": "Error TypeError: Cannot read property 'catch' of undefined"

This question is resolved by Adding await before client.messages.create I am trying to send a WhatsApp message using Twilio. the following is the Code const acc

Does anyone know why I'am getting error during amplify init ? I checked the memory is not full?

ec2-user:~/environment/wild-rydes (master) $ amplify init Downloading release from node:i

How to get path parameter in spring cloud function

I have a java application written using spring-cloud-functions and deployed in aws lambda which connects to aws api-gateway I have a 'GET' api(let's say /employ

Parameter Store request timing out inside of AWS Lambda

I'm attempting to access the AWS SSM Parameter store, like this article does. I have tested the lambda function locally and it works as expected. When pushed to

AWS Lamda Error: Parsing error: Unexpected token client

First-time Lambda user I'm trying to get an IOT device payload from IOT Core to a GraphQL endpoint by using an 'Act' with a Lambda function on IOT Core. I fou

Error message: "'NoneType' object is not callable". - received from zappa deployed django application on AWS Lambda

I'm running into an error after deploying my django app to lambda using zappa. This is the error: {'message': 'An uncaught exception happened while servicing th

problem sending email using sendgrid with serverless-http

when trying to send email by sendgrid the lambda does not show log and ends up giving timeout. I've tried putting it inside a promise, but it didn't help. The i

Quicksight: Authenticating individual users

I was going through the amazon quicksight documentation for embedding analytics into my application. Is it really required to have more than one user/reader in

Lambda fails to publish to SNS topic sometimes

My AWS Lambda fails to publish messages to an AWS SNS topic every now and then. 2020-03-09T08:02:42.520Z Could not publish on sns with error: NetworkingError:

Does local node version affect the cdk command for aws?

I was wondering if I have node version 16 on my computer and if I develop my aws lambda locally with cdk and specified the runtime as NODEJS_14, will it still w

How to do Parameter Validation while using aws-sdk-mock

I am using aws-sdk-mock with Jest for testing AWS Lamda. My lambda uses AWS Polly Service to convert text to speech. Following is the piece of code which I want

Difference between SAM template and Cloudformation template

I'm finding it hard to understand the difference between SAM template and Cloudformation template. I know that SAM template can be used to define Serverless App