Category "aws-lambda"

AWS Lambda upload by zip file not working

When I try to upload new version to a function in AWS Lambda, the option to upload a zip file is not allowed. (See the picture bellow) It used to be able to ch

DynamoDb delete with sort key

I have fields below in dynamo dB table event_on -- string type user_id -- number type event name -- string type Since this table may have multiple records for

504 Error for distribution and Route53 Domain

I'm trying to setup a static S3 website to be reachable via my custom domain, but when I've tested my cloudfront URL I'm getting 504 Error and in the logs, I se

How to get and use confirmation 'yes' or 'no' for Alexa skill intent response

I am developing a Alexa skill in which on launch it will ask Do you want to perform something ? Depending upon user's reply 'yes' or 'no' I want to launch anoth

How to write kinesis events as batches using AWS Lambda?

Currently, I have a Kinesis data stream with one shard which consumes a stream of records from an external source. Each record is treated as a single event and

Add embedded image in emails in AWS SES service

I am trying to write a Java app which can send emails to specify emails. In the email i also want to attach some pic. Please find my code below :- public clas

sam local start-api go lambda returns 502 "internal server error" on linux ubuntu

While running aws sam application locally returns "Internal server error". I created aws sam hello-world example using:sam init --runtime go1.x --name robertsa

AWS: Why does my RDS instance keep starting after I turned it off?

I have an RDS database instance on AWS and have turned it off for now. However, every few days it starts up on its own. I don't have any other services runnin

Python is not configured for aws sam cli

I am following this tutorial to build a SAM App:

Boto3 scan not scanning whole table

I want to fetch a list of objects from a DynamoDB table with the following scan video_list = video_table.scan( FilterExpression="attribute_not_exists(ti

From AWS connect to external oracle database

I have an nodejs application deployed in aws, from nodejs application I want to connect to an external oracle database which is running on a different server, c

Lambda can't find modules from outer folders when deployed with CDK

I am deploying some apis to API Gateway using cdk. My problem is the file that contains the lambda(index.ts) can't import any files or npm modules outside that

How Serilog posts to CloudWatch without any configuration setup?

I am migrating an app done in net core from Azure to AWS. Backend is an Asp.NetCore WebApi which uses Serilog for logging. I simply put it behind a subclass of

Delete trigger on a AWS Lambda function in python

I have a lambda function and for that lambda function my cloudwatch event is a trigger on it... at the end of the lambda function i need to delete the trigger

warning: req is not defined in (nodejs) lambda function

This is part of my code in lambda to insert some values into an oracle database (from Amplify cli) exports.handler = async (event, context, callback) => {

How can I download/pull lambda code to a local machine from command line?

I am using the sam deploy command with the AWS SAM command line tool to deploy. Now I made some changes with the web IDE in the AWS Console. How can I pull the

Logging in AWS Lambda with slf4j

I am using a lambda function and writing it in Java. I was looking up logging for Lambda functions when I read the docs and they support log4j -

How to run `dotnet lambda deploy-serverless` command without parameters?

Good evening. The question is about dotnet lambda deploy-serverless command. This command is used to deploy .Net apps to AWS Lambda service using AWS CloudForma

Cannot delete AWS Lambda@Edge replicas

This question already exists here but I think it will have more impact on SO. I created an AWS Lambda@Edge function in order to rewrite Cloudfront URLs befo

Cannot delete AWS Lambda@Edge replicas

This question already exists here but I think it will have more impact on SO. I created an AWS Lambda@Edge function in order to rewrite Cloudfront URLs befo