Category "aws-lambda"

SQS Lambda Trigger with Visibility Timeout extension

I'm working on a solution where I have a SQS queue with Lambda trigger. My understanding is Lambda will receive messages in batches to be processed, and once La

Error executing "Hello World" for AWS Lambda in Java

I have written following Hello World Lambda which I am executing by uploading on AWS via AWS toolkit for Eclipse. public class HelloWorldLambdaHandler implemen

Is there a way to send a POST request to slack without using Webhook?

I have tried to send POST requests to my slack channel using webhooks to no avail. It always returns a bad request no matter what I do. Is there a way to send

AWS Serverless.yml example of WebACL config

I am trying to deploy lambda functions using serverless, and every time I redeploy I have to re-enable my WAF manually. How can I enable the WAF in my serverles

Update an environment variable of an AWS Lambda function in python

I am wanting to update an Environment Variable from an AWS Lambda function. I have tried this code: import os def lambda_handler(event, context): call =

set timeout for chalice functions in general

In the documentation of chalice one can see an example of a configuration of a lambda function on aws provisioned by chalice. The idea is that you can define

How to access host in lambda behind both API gateway and cloudfront?

I have a lambda function being executed by an API gateway. I have cloudfront pointing traffic to the API gateway endpoint. How do I access the host/domain the

AWS Lambda execute shell npm install error

I'm trying to build a web app in AWS lambda and upload it to an S3 bucket. For that, I utilize child process, which is working fine locally. exec('cd /tmp/ &

No module named 'pyarrow.lib' found from lambda function

I have installed pyarrow version 0.14.0. I'm creating a package to run that from lambda. While executing from lambda i'm getting error - No module named 'pyarro

Render PDF into an image (self-contained, no external command line dependencies) (to use on AWS Lambda)

I need a simple python library to convert PDF to image (render the PDF as is), but after hours of searching, I keep hitting the same wall, I find libraries like

AWS Annotations Framework Input Parameters for C#

I'm having trouble getting a Lambda function written using the AWS Annotations Framework to accept input parameters. This is the article I'm using: https://aws.

AWS Cognito: Verify deletion of user

We need a verification step for user deletion through AWS Cognito. Upon requesting delete a verification code should be sent to the users email address (like it

How to pass a params from POST to AWS Lambda from Amazon API Gateway

In this question How to pass a querystring or route parameter to AWS Lambda from Amazon API Gateway shows how to map query string params to AWS lambda using AP

AWS textract-trp package issue - cannot extract key-value pair

I'm using AWS Lambda running on Python 3.8 to run this code example below: import boto3 from trp import Document # Document documentName = "employmentapp.png"

Serverless-framework, when does the API Gateway URL change?

I am using serverless-framework to deploy a lambda with http endpoints on AWS. This works fine and returns a API Gateway endpoint. I wanted to know under what

Identify Google signed in user in AWS Lambda invoked by API Gateway

When any internet user enters a certain URL, I serve up an html dashboard that is generated from an AWS Lambda written in Python. This requires a bit of setup f

Creating the topic rule does not create the trigger on the lambda

This issue looks very much like a bug but I believe there must be something wrong in my terraform file because I can't find anybody on the web having the same p

How to return json from callback function within the Lambda?

I'm trying to return the login status from the Cognito callback function, which is written in the NodeJS Lambda. However when I call the API the response keep l

Mysterious timeout when connecting to neptune db

I'm getting this error message when trying to connect to a aws neptune db from a lambda: 2022-05-05T18:36:04.114Z e0c9ee4c-0e1d-49c7-ad05-d8bab79d3ea6 WAR

I get an ALB Lambda error - 502 Bad Gateway

I've been grappling with alb 2 lambda 502 bad gateway errors. In my ALB access logs, it shows a 'LambdaInvalidResponse' which i'm guessing is because my lambda