Category "aws-ssm"

AWS SSM Command Document - Constrain instances to choose from

I'm creating an SSM Command document to use with Run Command. This Run Command will operate on a schedule. One thing I'm unclear about is if there is any way to

AWS System Manager start session: An error occurred (TargetNotConnected) when calling the StartSession operation: <instance_id> is not connected

Problem: When I try to locally connect to a running EC2 instance using the AWS System Session Manager CLI command: aws ssm start-session --target i-123456 I get

Using terraform, unable to add SSM document to aws_cloudwatch_event_target

I'm very new to Terraform and am trying use it to replicate what I've successfully created via the AWS console. I'm trying to specify a "SSM Run Command" as a

List all parameters in AWS SSM Parameter Store

How do I list all parameters in the AWS Systems Manager (SSM) Parameter Store? I am using the AWS CLI. I can store them with aws ssm put-parameter. I can fetch