Category "azure-ad-b2c"

Azure AD B2C associate user flow with an app one-to-one

While researching how to require multi-factor auth for a specific app, I came across this challenge: It's possible to create User flows (policies) in Azure AD

AAD B2C custom policy read without user interaction

Is it possible to make a read operation before any other in a TechnicalProfile? In a password reset scenario where users always login with a username, I'd like

End user getting "Missing required element [Email Address]" error on Forcing password reset first logon

We are following Azure B2C sample code Azure AD B2C: Force password reset first logon to implement logic to force new local user to reset the password on the fi

Remove old proxyaddress entry for user in azure active directory

We have an application which uses Azure B2C and Azure Active Directory. Problem: User A wants to set his specific email address. But this is not possible becaus

How to map OutputClaims with Json keys containing a dot (.) with Azure AD B2C Custom Policy

I need to develop a RESTful technical profile that is able to pass a JSON response such as: { "somekey.withadot": "Some value" } My technical profile is as

B2C Custom Policy with TP OpenId Connect - IdTokenAudience - MultiApple scenario

I have a custom policy with an OpenId Connect Technical Profile calling authorize and token endpoints from metadata Items to my custom API middleware which is u

Xamarin.Forms MSAL authentication java.exe exited with code 1

<activity android:name="microsoft.identity.client.BrowserTabActivity"> <intent-filter> <action android:name="android.

Azure B2C - REST API call Error "Message: The claims exchange <Id> specified in step <order> returned HTTP error response that could not be parsed"

Thank you and will appreciate some help. I am making a REST api call from a custom policy in Azure B2C. When I call the azure function in a browser, test/run in

404 Not Found error via resource owner password credentials flow in Azure AD B2C

I got the error below after following the example below: HTTP/1.1 404 Not Found Cach

Azure AD B2C Single Sign Out not signing out all applications when using multiple protocols

We have circa 50 applications that integrate with Azure AD B2C, which comprises a mix of OpenId Connect relying parties and Saml2 service providers. The custom

How to query another Azure Active Directory tenant from Graph Explorer

I am using Azure Graph API Explorer. I want to query the apps list in a tenant. I am user in tenant_x (where user was originally created) as well as admin in te

Argo Workflow SSO not working with Azure Active Directory B2C

We are trying to integrate Argo Workflow SSO with Azure Active Directory B2C. But it is not working. Though We are able to integrate this with Keycloak perfectl

Single Sign Out Not working between OpenID & SAML (Azure AD B2C)

@cbeer7 We have the same problem, sing sign out is not working across OpenID and SAML protocol. We have single TrustFrameworkExtensions still single signout is

Azure AD B2C - Supporting a daemon app along with B2C clients such as Web page and native mobile app

I have an Azure AD B2C protected ASP.NET 6 WebAPI, and a ASP.NET Web site and a native mobile app are using the WebAPI using the authorization code flow (basica

Looking up users in AAD B2C using extension attributes or unusual standard attributes

This is a follow-up to this question. I need to query AAD B2C to lookup a user using an employeeID which, for reasons related to what fields our account provisi

Azure B2C password field text and placeholder

I have selected pt-Br language customization for my signin page flow, but some elements are not translated properly (or not translated), then i uploaded an over

Can I use SVG within a customized the Azure AD B2C user interface?

I am building a customized Azure AD B2C user interface. I have included a SVG tag within my page. <body> <div class="container"> <d

Is it possible to automatically update B2C user details by using claims from the Issuer, using Identity Experience Framework?

I have created a policy for an application following the B2C tutorial docs. It successfully creates users in a B2C tenant, filling in givename.. email etc from

Azure AD B2C with React Native Expo

I am new to mobile app development with react-native and expo. I'm trying to add authentication/authorization in my mobile app with Azure AD B2C but I find it m

Pass parameters to Sign-up policy

I am creating B2C users with Social Identity Providers with the help of a Sign-up policy but we have a requirement to add some user attributes (extended propert