Category "azure-application-insights"

City data in Application Insights

I have multiple applications making use of Application Insights for Production Data. I'm trying to use the City telemetry field to map our current users. This

User-agent information in Azure Application Insights

Does anyone know why Application Insights would not be gathering user-agent information when implemented within a .NET application, yet is able to gather stats

Monitor CPU and memory for Azure WebJob

I have setup application insights for a web app and I can see the performance figures such as CPU and memory consumed by the app. I have another app which conta

Java - Azure Application Insights Dynamic Tracing not working with docker images

Azure Functions has dynamic tracing functionality for Java with App Insights. Where it collects metrics against several libraries. Full list here. As per this,

Performance Considerations of Microsoft Application Insights?

I couldn't find any information about an async implementation of application Insights, specifically the TelemetryClient for Microsoft.ApplicationInsights Nuget.