Category "azure-b2c"

Why I'm getting an empty access token from azure b2c using vuejs 3

I'm using the last version of MSAL.js (@azure/msal-browser": "^2.23.0"),I can successfully authnenticat but the access token is empty I dont know why. I'm posti

How to implement loginRedirect using vuejs and azureb2c and msal.js

I'm trying to implement an SSO using Azure b2c and Vuejs and MSAL, but I'm getting some issues. msalConfig: { auth: { clientId: "******dd03",

Is it possible to automatically update B2C user details by using claims from the Issuer, using Identity Experience Framework?

I have created a policy for an application following the B2C tutorial docs. It successfully creates users in a B2C tenant, filling in givename.. email etc from