I'm trying to loop over an array of group names and I want to dynamically get the IDs of those groups so that I can assign roles to them. I just learned I can s
After hours of googling and search, I can't find how to add a required reviewer when people of a given team create a pull request in DevOps. Some people will be
I have uploaded .jmx script and CVS files in the test plan. And added an "Authorize Token" as parameter in the Environment Variables (as I don't want to give se
I have uploaded .jmx script and CVS files in the test plan. And added an "Authorize Token" as parameter in the Environment Variables (as I don't want to give se
I would like to pass the variable group as a runtime parameter so that whenever I run the pipeline, it should allow me to provide the input variable group name,
I have a powershell script that runs locally on my Windows Desktop running powershell 7.2.1. However when run on a Microsoft Hosted Windows-Latest agent in Azu
I would like to report about the days features spend in each column of our kanban-board. So for an example output I want, we have a kanban with columns: Funnel
I have been using Azure Devops for many years now, across multiple organizations and projects. We recently started a new project in Azure and the Sprint board l
I'm trying to run this python task in azure pipeline. - task: PythonScript@0 inputs: scriptSource: 'inline' script: | import json i
As a Scrum Master, I want to make sure that my team doesn't "accidentally" change the priority of User Stories on my Sprints page's backlog view, so that my wor
So I am using Firebase SDK to send push notifications to my android clients. On local IIS this is how I have configured FirebaseSdk. In Startup.cs I have Fir
I need to download test result file attachments to a folder on my hard drive. When I run the call using talend it returns the file (png) image file in the body
I am trying to call this ADO API - https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/rest/api/azure/devops/graph/users/get?view=azure-devops-rest-6.0 I am azure SDK and have cre
I have a required custom field on any ticket created (Bug, Tasks, PBI). I have a pipeline that creates tickets automatically, but the values that are used to cr
How can I programmatically get the following information? (1 required check) I've looked at the response for getting a Pull Request by Id but there's nothing i
I have an Azure pipeline setup for my builds. I have been running into this issue recently and cannot figure out a way to fix this: ##[error]C:\Program Files\Mi
I am new to Azure DevOps / boards. I have loaded (csv) a bunch of Work Items (Boards -> Work Items). Now when I go to Boards (Boards -> Boards), I need to
I have VS2019 and trying to create Logic Apps which includes SQL connection. I deploy this LogicApps with Azure DevOps and getting error. I do not what is purpo
I am getting a generic "Could not add public key" error in Azure Devops when attempting to add an SSH public key. This is the first key I've tried to add on a
Using arm templates, I am able to create a storage account, queues, file services. But the azure devops task fails when I also try to create container. "resou