I wanted to do CICD of my azure Databricks notebook using YAML file. I have followed the below flow Pushed my code from Databricks notebook to Azure Repos. Crea
Several Projects with their boards are created in Azure (For example A and B). But we have lots of work items that should be in both A and B Project boards. Eve
I'm trying to cache the cypress installation in my build pipeline. I have this task setup: - task: Cache@2 inputs: key: 'cypress | $(Agent.OS) | package-l
I'm trying to edit appsettings (.net) in azure pipelines, it's for differents environments(production, development, etc..) For example I want to change this val
Strange question - I want to whitelist packages for dotnet build, like use only allowed packages. I'm using Azure DevOps as a build/deploy solution. For example
I'm setting up a DevOps pipeline and during the build, I keep running into the error: ScreeningController.cs(19,7): Error CS0246: The type or namespace name 'NP
I have a number of projects in Azure DevOps that are saved through Visual Studio to my local drive. I just went through removing Visual Studio Community from my
I am trying to use Microsoft speech to text api(azure-cognitiveservices-speech) in AWS Lambda. In AWS Lambda I am using docker image(public.ecr.aws/lambda/pytho
I am trying to list all Pull Requests associated with a Work Item but according to the Work Items API there doesn't seem to be a way to get it: GET https://dev.
We've got two YAML Pipelines, pull-request.yml and main.yml. As the names suggest, pull-request.yml runs on every PR, and main.yml runs once deployed to main. I
I got two pipelines in my project, one for test and one for build. The reason for this is that the tests need to be run on an self hosted agent to be able to ru
I am working on this task in which I am supposed to take a file from the user, upload it on Azure DevOps, create Release pipeline, and then triggerthe release w
Is this possible to migrate projects from one organization to another in Azure DevOps? I am facing challenges to manage multiple organizations so instead of it
I have an azure devops pipeline with terraform to provision a private keyvault. Since I am using azure managed agents to run the pipeline jobs, it fails as the
I am trying to find a way to migrate all projects (+600) from our Gitlab server to our DevOps platform. Are you aware of any scripts/automation? Thank you! I tr
Error: remote unpack failed: error The tree object baa09eb1515343c80268a899c7b3c1f4662ae872 was rejected: The folder 'maximechanson' and the folder 'MaximeChan
In Azure DevOps I have created my Dashboard with all the Work Items. Also, each user can customize the dashboard with adding/removing columns from the list. I
I using that method for now: https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/cli/azure/pipelines/variable-group/variable?view=azure-cli-latest#az-pipelines-variable-group-vari
I am trying to convert logicapp plans using Azure DevOps pipelines in our organization but I didn't find any option to run the task in ADO. Any suggestions Plea
I'm trying to loop over an array of group names and I want to dynamically get the IDs of those groups so that I can assign roles to them. I just learned I can s