Category "azure-devops"

In Azure, can I create a mapping at runtime?

I'm trying to loop over an array of group names and I want to dynamically get the IDs of those groups so that I can assign roles to them. I just learned I can s

How do I add a required reviewer when people of a given team create a pull request in DevOps?

After hours of googling and search, I can't find how to add a required reviewer when people of a given team create a pull request in DevOps. Some people will be

Getting this error message while running Load Test in Azure "Keystore file not found, loading empty keystore"

I have uploaded .jmx script and CVS files in the test plan. And added an "Authorize Token" as parameter in the Environment Variables (as I don't want to give se

Getting this error message while running Load Test in Azure "Keystore file not found, loading empty keystore"

I have uploaded .jmx script and CVS files in the test plan. And added an "Authorize Token" as parameter in the Environment Variables (as I don't want to give se

How to use variable group as a runtime parameter in azure devops yml

I would like to pass the variable group as a runtime parameter so that whenever I run the pipeline, it should allow me to provide the input variable group name,

AzureAD Powershell cmdlets work locally but erroring in Azure DevOps Microsoft Hosted Agent with "Error reading JToken from JsonReader"

I have a powershell script that runs locally on my Windows Desktop running powershell 7.2.1. However when run on a Microsoft Hosted Windows-Latest agent in Azu

Azure DevOps - The time a WorkItem spends in specific columns on the kanban board

I would like to report about the days features spend in each column of our kanban-board. So for an example output I want, we have a kanban with columns: Funnel

Azure Devops Boards have weird style and missing avatars

I have been using Azure Devops for many years now, across multiple organizations and projects. We recently started a new project in Azure and the Sprint board l

Python task in azure

I'm trying to run this python task in azure pipeline. - task: PythonScript@0 inputs: scriptSource: 'inline' script: | import json i

In Azure Boards, how to prevent team from changing priority of user stories in the sprint backlog?

As a Scrum Master, I want to make sure that my team doesn't "accidentally" change the priority of User Stories on my Sprints page's backlog view, so that my wor

Google application credentials in azure app service (aspnet core web api)

So I am using Firebase SDK to send push notifications to my android clients. On local IIS this is how I have configured FirebaseSdk. In Startup.cs I have Fir

Unable to download Azure DevOps test result attachments using REST API in Groovy Unable to determine the current character

I need to download test result file attachments to a folder on my hard drive. When I run the call using talend it returns the file (png) image file in the body

Ado Api call fails for a specific API

I am trying to call this ADO API - I am azure SDK and have cre

Azure DevOps Access Custom Field From Script

I have a required custom field on any ticket created (Bug, Tasks, PBI). I have a pipeline that creates tickets automatically, but the values that are used to cr

Get the status of a pull request's checks

How can I programmatically get the following information? (1 required check) I've looked at the response for getting a Pull Request by Id but there's nothing i

AzurePipeline failing due to: The reference assemblies for .NETFramework,Version=v4.6.1 were not found

I have an Azure pipeline setup for my builds. I have been running into this issue recently and cannot figure out a way to fix this: ##[error]C:\Program Files\Mi

How To Automate - Azure DevOps - Boards Items / Work Items

I am new to Azure DevOps / boards. I have loaded (csv) a bunch of Work Items (Boards -> Work Items). Now when I go to Boards (Boards -> Boards), I need to

privacySetting parameter value is not part of the allowed values - SQL Connection for Azure LogicApps

I have VS2019 and trying to create Logic Apps which includes SQL connection. I deploy this LogicApps with Azure DevOps and getting error. I do not what is purpo

Could not add public key error in Azure Devops

I am getting a generic "Could not add public key" error in Azure Devops when attempting to add an SSH public key. This is the first key I've tried to add on a

Unable to create container in Azure Storage via ARM Template

Using arm templates, I am able to create a storage account, queues, file services. But the azure devops task fails when I also try to create container. "resou