Category "azure-functions"

Deploying an Azure Function from VS Code - Succesfull but not visible in the Portal

I created a function and I am trying to deploy it from VS Code by clicking the Deploy to Function App.... The Deployment runs successfully based on the output l

How can I monitor number of instances of a function app when it scales out?

I am looking into "Metrics" tab (Platform Features -> Metrics) in Azure portal for my function app. I can see interesting metrics like CPU time, request coun

Can't get query parameter from HttpRequestData

I'm upgrading my code from .NET 3.0 to .NET 5.0, this changes the sintaxis quite a bit. In my previous code, which is a http request build in AZURE FUNCTIONS .N

Write video in Azure Function

I have videos that i want to process in Azure function (Service Bus Queue trigger). When new message arrives and function gets called i do the following: Downl

Is it possible to switch Azure functions standard DI container for another?

Currently I am using DI in azure functions the standard way public class Startup : FunctionsStartup { public override void Configure(IFunctionsHostBuilder b

Azure Graph Query in az graph query command

Resources | where type has "microsoft.compute/disks" | extend diskState = tostring(properties.diskState) | where managedBy == "" or diskState == 'Attached' or d

Where do you find the app id / tenantId for an azure function?

If i'm using an azure function that is based on a consumption plan, where would I find the application ID and tenantID? In this case, it's not connected to any

Azure function - .net isolated process / Cosmosdb input

i'm looking for a cosmosdb input sample. The official microsoft docs show no example. Has anyone accomplished this? I tried the following code sniped without su

Azure Functions - can't be invoked from Azure WebJobs SDK

So I've been trying to create a simple azure function, that would be an http trigger "CreateUser". I did an other http trigger to simplify what's wrong, it look

Azure durable function socket exception

We have a durable function (v3) hosted on a consumption plan. This function uses Azure App configuration for the common settings of our software. The durable fu

Azure DevOps Pipeline - dotnet restore Package Content Hash Validation Fails

I have setup a build pipeline in Azure DevOps for my Function App that takes advantage of nuget caching and thus the package.lock.json file. However, I keep ru

Spring cloud function in azure throws null pointer exception

I have spring cloud function deployed to azure function app.The API works perfectly fine in the local developer machine. Whereas when deployed to azure, upon ca

Java - Azure Application Insights Dynamic Tracing not working with docker images

Azure Functions has dynamic tracing functionality for Java with App Insights. Where it collects metrics against several libraries. Full list here. As per this,

Clearing history while debugging azure durable functions

Durable functions keep a state in storage, this is what makes them work, but it is very troublesome while debugging and developing. I have a large number of run

Azure Functions how to get a new local.settings.json?

What I have been doing for some time now when using Azure Functions is to setup a local.settings.json file with where I configure settings like, ConnectionStrin

Java azure function not deploying dependencies

My app has a few maven dependencies. I am able to run the app locally as expected. When deployed via mvn clean package followed by mvn azure-functions:deploy, i

Azure Function App create cannot select existing storage account

I have always to create a new storage account (same resource group) when I create a function app. The system either proposes a name or I can enter my own and bu

What happens if multiple azure function apps bind to the same storage queue for input

I have function apps running in two different regions for redundancy. i.e. there are two separate apps in azure portal (deployed from the same code). So both ap