Category "azure-log-analytics"

How to get Custom Log tables from Azure Log Analytics Workspace through PowerShell script?

I am looking for a way to get all custom log tables from an Azure log analytics workspace through PowerShell code. Below is an example of three custom log table

Consider the where condition based on the parameter value in KQL

I'm using Azure Log Analytics. //Below is the Log Analytics Function (e.g Function Name is "TestFunction")SynapseIntegrationPipelineRuns | where Level == Level

Can you see the Firewall Rule that was triggered on Azure Application Gateway WAF

We're using the Application Gateway WAF in prevention mode and it's blocking some of our Mobile App Client requests. I switched the WAF into Detection mode and

is there any way to integrate Alert rules with Azuredevops WorkItems-bugs

Looking for some way to create the ADO workitem type-bugs, whenever any created Azure alert rules trigger alerts. Is there any inbuilt mechanisam available eith

Detail the cost of Azure Log analytics

Is there any way to detail the cost of Azure Log analytics service? How do I know why my analytics log service is so expensive? Do you have any tips? I just wis

get all tables for x number of log analytics workspaces

I'm trying to get the tables for a set of Log Analytics workspace's using