I am looking for a way to get all custom log tables from an Azure log analytics workspace through PowerShell code. Below is an example of three custom log table
I'm using Azure Log Analytics. //Below is the Log Analytics Function (e.g Function Name is "TestFunction")SynapseIntegrationPipelineRuns | where Level == Level
We're using the Application Gateway WAF in prevention mode and it's blocking some of our Mobile App Client requests. I switched the WAF into Detection mode and
Looking for some way to create the ADO workitem type-bugs, whenever any created Azure alert rules trigger alerts. Is there any inbuilt mechanisam available eith
Is there any way to detail the cost of Azure Log analytics service? How do I know why my analytics log service is so expensive? Do you have any tips? I just wis
I'm trying to get the tables for a set of Log Analytics workspace's using https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/rest/api/loganalytics/tables/list-by-workspace#code-t