Category "pointers"

React: How to pass a pointer to one component to a second component

How can you pass a pointer to component 1 to component 2 (so that you can work with component 1 inside component 2, e.g. get its properties) <Component1 />

find elements of an array in another array, why do I have this error?

I was trying to visualize the algorithm of this exercise, but I'm having a lot of problems. the exercise asks to implement this function: extern const void *mem

Location of methods in memory [duplicate]

I am new in Go world, the question could be obvious. Let's say I have a struct Example, which has some methods: type Example struct {} func (

Cython: Assign pointer values, not the pointer itself

C/C++ allows assigning values of a pointer to another pointer of the same type: #include <iostream> using namespace std; int main() { int* a = new i

Using qsort to sort a multidimensional array of variable-length strings in C

I have a piece of software that generates a rather large text file full of information about files in a directory. There are often several thousand files. Each

Is it possible to determine if a pointer points to a valid object, and if so how? [duplicate]

I was reading C++ Is it possible to determine whether a pointer points to a valid object? and the correct answer in this thread is that no, yo

Why not possible to fill any integer straight to a pointer variable?

#include <stdio.h> int main(void) { int* ptr = NULL; *ptr = 10; printf("%d", *ptr); return 0; } I am very new to C programming and sorry

Weird bug in pointers

I was trying to access single bytes of an int value via the code below. My problem is that whenever I try to remove long int i=0; from the code, it gives me a s

Invalid Initializer When I try to call function from another function

I have two functions. One that returns the part of the string for me. Don't ask me why I'm doing it inside a function because I want to run this inside a thread

Does adding a star after a pointer struct definition make it a double pointer?

I have a struct typedef struct hash_entry_{ char *string; void *data; struct hash_entry *next; }hash_entry, *p_entry; I am referencing p_entry later i

Deleting a pointer from a vector... Error: terminate called after throwing an instance of 'std::bad_alloc' what(): std::bad_alloc

I'm getting the error after I delete a pointer from the vector and try to delete a second one. I'm still new to pointers I created a base class of shapes and ha

C : why is that cast of void function to "pointer to function returning pointer to pointer to void" possible

#include <stdio.h> void hello() { printf("hello world\n"); } int main() { void *(*gibberish)() = (void *(*)())hello; (*gibberish)(); voi

How to detect if a block of memory already freed

I already know that there is no way to know if a pointer target still a valid allocation of it's already freed, so I'm trying to use pointer to pointer to solve

Passing and Returning a 2D array of unknown size in C++

I want to pass and return a 2D array of unknown size but I donot know how to do it. I know how to only return array of unknown size only (array of pointers). I

What is cryptic line of code for this statement? [closed]

For example: temp->next = NULL is same as (*temp).next = NULL list->next->next = temp is same as ??

How can I declare a Pointer to a struct in C?

I have learned that pointers can be declared in 3 different ways: int* a; int *b; int * c; I prefer: int* a; While declaring a pointer to a structure, is it c

How to judge whether the incoming buffer is valid in C++?

In my function, a memory pointer and its size are passed as parameters: int myFun(uintptr_t* mem_ptr, int mem_size) { // Code here } Is there any way to te

Invalid conversion from char * to int fpermissive

#include<iostream> #include<vector> using namespace std; int main(int argc,char** argv){ int n; if(argc>1) n=argv[0]; int* stuff=new int[n];

My pointer does not point on the same value when its call in a slot QT C++

I do a pokemon project with a Qt interface. I created a class Trainer and Pokemon : class Pokemon { protected: string itsName; doub

why is the output 1 in this case and when i am doing t-p then its giving me -1

As you can see it is giving me 1 but why? When i do t-p then it gives me -1 . Why ? int f=4, o=8; int *p, *t; p = &f; t = &o; printf("Difference betwee