Category "azure-policy"

Is it possible to combine two private DNS zones into one policy definition

I'm trying to deploy/register private DNS zones for private endpoint in app service > DNS configuration using custom policy but I'm not able to combine these

Azure policy for ACR Registry name

Is there any Azure policy to validate "registry name" during new ACR creation in Azure. I tried with different patterns but its not validating from "Microsoft.C

how to check if tags exists - azure policy

I'm trying to check if the tags do not exist in a resource. the tags are inserted from an array parameter named ExcludeTags, in the following format: Key;Value,

Azure Policy - Find Ressources without Tags

Is it possible to define a Policy to find Resources without Tags? I would like to define this Policy to list all of Items at the "Compliance" Point at the Polic

How do you use Azure Policy to deployIfNotExists a Policy Exemption to a resource group?

{ "mode": "All", "policyRule": { "if": { "allOf": [ { "field": "type", "equals": "Microsoft.Resources/subscription

Firewall policy - allow only application rules deny NAT rules and Network rules in Azure firewall

Is it possible to create a custom azure policy to only allow application rules and deny NAT rules and Network rules in Azure firewall?

Azure policies(gatekeeper) monitoring on AKS via Prometheus and Grafana

I have enabled azure policies via terraform and applied to AKS cluster. I can see pods are deployed, up and running. I applied in-built initiative here too with

Azure Policy - Enable Auto Shutdown at VMs

it is possible to activate the Azure VM Autoshutdown Function with an Azure Policy? I found always articles with an DevTest Lab. But i would like to use an AZur