I'm trying to deploy/register private DNS zones for private endpoint in app service > DNS configuration using custom policy but I'm not able to combine these
Is there any Azure policy to validate "registry name" during new ACR creation in Azure. I tried with different patterns but its not validating from "Microsoft.C
I'm trying to check if the tags do not exist in a resource. the tags are inserted from an array parameter named ExcludeTags, in the following format: Key;Value,
Is it possible to define a Policy to find Resources without Tags? I would like to define this Policy to list all of Items at the "Compliance" Point at the Polic
{ "mode": "All", "policyRule": { "if": { "allOf": [ { "field": "type", "equals": "Microsoft.Resources/subscription
Is it possible to create a custom azure policy to only allow application rules and deny NAT rules and Network rules in Azure firewall?
I have enabled azure policies via terraform and applied to AKS cluster. I can see pods are deployed, up and running. I applied in-built initiative here too with
it is possible to activate the Azure VM Autoshutdown Function with an Azure Policy? I found always articles with an DevTest Lab. But i would like to use an AZur