I have some issues with changing the language in the app. I do not know why it is not working, there is no error, checked the log all clear. I used the followin
Is there a way to load a file from Codeignier 4 Language directory and assign the array content to a variable. Instead of returning the translated line, I want
I have a webpage in React and I wanted to use l10n (localization) but only find information about i18n (internationalization), so I don't know if l10n exists fo
I am trying to create a script (the language is not relevant, but it is a mix of node/js and bash) to generate plural localization files for xcode known as .str
I just started with .net and Intellij Rider. I need to have spanish version of windows on my work laptop but I prefer to have everything related to code purely
Can anybody help me? I can't find any description of the localization in Swift UI. Can anyone please give advice or better an example of how to localize for exa
Hello I am trying add BottomNavigationBar in flutter app but when i run project error occures : A MaterialLocalizations delegate that supports the ka_GE locale
I have an intent definition file for a Siri shortcut. When I click on localize Xcode does very well create a localization file, each string beeing used is prese
In my template I sort by months my post like this: {{ range (where site.RegularPages "Type" "in" site.Params.mainSections).GroupByDate "January, 2006" -}} <
Just hopped into the world a multiLanguage settings in Xcode/Swift. After a good view on this tutorial I found it very easy to setting up multiple language usin
What's the best way to add localization-translation to angular mobile application, all languages??
I'm using the 'facingMode' constrain in order to switch between the two cameras, but I'm not able to fully decided whether the user end has an 'environment' cam
I'm using a custom font and loading it through @font-face. I want to display text with two languages in webpage with different fonts with font-face at rule in C
I am trying to use Google Speech to Text API for Kannada language and I am setting EXTRA_LANGUAGE to "kn" for the same but it is not working. Below is the code
I have a C#-Desktop-app with some GUI that look likes this in the Designer: The Property "Localizable" ist set to True and "Language" is "German". Right now th
I have changed the default website localization in confing/app.php to be (de) 'locale' => 'de', 'fallback_locale' => 'de', But still website is loading
I have a message string i want to localize before i let APNS send a message to devices. I wish i could see the json payload itself to make me understand the st
I'm trying to localize my app using NSLocalizedString. When I import the XLIFF file, most works like a charm but something do not and some string is not localiz
I am using a BLE (Bluetooth Low Energy) for indoor positioning system by its RSSI and trilateration algorithm. The problem is how to find an
After having our app translated in a few languages, we realized that there were a couple .strings files that had been included in the .xliff files that were not