I am hitting a query through lookup activity on DB2 Database using ADF. Query is: But when I execute the query the '\' count gets double. The output is provide
I am having issues reliably connecting to Azure SQL Databases from on-prem. (so yes, firewalls involved). When I connect (SSMS or invoke-sqlcmd) using just mylo
Can I use a connection string with the System.Data.SqlClient provider to connect to an Azure SQL Managed Instance? Or just to a Microsoft SQL Server? If so, sho
Hi Just want to GROUP BY my table without using the status column. but I keep getting the error and I can't figure out to resolve it. SELECT *
I have restored Azure Database for MySQL single server using powershell script below. Now, post restore the DB I had to copy all the firewall rules and other se
i have deployed a .net core web api to Azure App service. one endpoint of API which does not have anything to get from Database works fine. [Route("api/[contro
Created an Azure SQL server machine and I am able to rdp as well as connect via the local SQL Server Mgt Studio client. However I cannot connect to the same i
Is it possible to replicate a specific subset of data (certain schema,dbs') to a readonly copy of Azure postgres flexible server. Thanks Brian
Following example from Azure team is using Apache Spark connector for SQL Server to write data to a table. Question: How can we execute a Stored Procedure in an
I am trying to configure the network setting for Azure SQL server. I have got three services interacting with SQL. They are VM, Azure Data Factory and Web Servi
In order to run migrations on my Test Azure SQL which is configured with PrivateLink I temporarly enable public access and then disable it again. Set-AzSqlServe
I've tried this over on the Rstudio forums and they've suggested i post here/azure support. Azure doesn't seem to be helping right now so if anybody has any sug
Is there any way to read list of available Pricing Tiers (SKUs) for Azure SQL Database Resource? The list of availabe SKUs (DTU and vCores) available here. Bu
Currently I am working on to deploy the Azure SQL Database by adding multiple IP addresses under Firewall rules using Azure ARM templates. This is the code for
I am running databricks 7.3LTS and having errors while trying to use scala bulk copy. The error is: object sqldb is not a member of package com.microsoft. I hav
I have a database in Azure and I would like to bring over all the data from there into Dynamics 365. I have listed the following scenarios. I want to know if th
To connect to Azure SQL Database using MFA (which is in SSMS as "Active Directory - Universal") Microsoft recommends and currently only has a tutorial on connec
I am using Python to query Azure SQL database. I tried connecting using SSMS 2018 and it works. Also, I have ODBC 17, 18 drivers installed. But when I try from
I am generating an XML using SQL Server and I need the following name space: xmlns:ns0="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance" ns0:noNamespaceSchemaLocation
In an Azure DevOps 'release pipeline', I provision Azure resources - including SQLServer databases - and try to configure access to databases using managed iden