I have an ETL pipeline that gets triggers when file is uploaded into Datalake location "Processing" folder, Once data is processed I want to move the file to d
I'm trying read a file from a directory that contains square brackets in the path using a mapping dataflow in Azure Synapse, like this: /path/to/[a].[b]/some/fi
I am not able to find the way to connect ADLS Gen 1 in a synapse notebook. I already have existing linked service for ADLS Gen 1. I have seen some of the docume
I have a copy pipeline set up that connects to an SFTP server (on Azure Synapse). I have used it to copy csv files and this works fine, but now I have the compl
When I tried to create Azure Synapse Workspace I get below error: {"code":"DeploymentFailed","message":"At least one resource deployment operation failed. Pleas
Have had a look around but can't see any concrete information. Essentially, if anyone could help it would be great. We are building reporting in the cloud and l
I have a copy activity in Datafactory that dynamically maps the columns between files in tables A and B. Both tables, A and B are .parquet. Table A has 8 column
In Azure SYNAPSE I have two tables table A with 6 millions of records and Table B with 2 millions when I run a simple left join query it takes around 20 minutes
I would like to run spatial queries on large data sets; e.g. geopandas would be too slow. Inspiration I found here: https://anant-sharma.medium.com/apache-sedon
How to set the Synapse integrate pipeline parameter during deployment? I am using the Synapse deployment task with GIT to deploy the workspace to multiple envir
I'm experimenting with NLTK in an Azure Synapse notebook. When I try and run nltk.download('stopwords') I get the following error: ValueError: I/O operation on
New to Spark and Synapse....Need to do some transformation including adding a columns, changing datatypes, etc. I am reading a csv into a dataframe. I'd like t
New to azure synapse, trying to create database (Managed table) from synapse notebook. I also added Storage blob data contributor for synapse workspace and spec
I need to find info who starts the pipeline (trigered Manual); In the pipeline runs section there is no info about user only about parent pipeline if applicabl
I'm trying to work on the statistics, and as a part of it, I'm trying to look at the execution plan of certain SELECT * commands with a WHERE condition on a par
I'm studying of Azure Synapse. In dedicated SQL pool database, 'actual execution plan' of SSMS was disabled. In serverless pool database, SSMS says 'set statist
I have a need to connect to Synapse Analytics Serverless SQL Pool database using SQL Authentication. I created a serverless SQL Pool database and created a SQL
The goal is to create a table, insert some (3) dummy rows for technical reasons, then for any valid data, start using Ids above 100. Script for creating (drop-c
I am looking to create a flow somewhere in the Azure stack to allow me to get M2M authentication between Azure Synapse and NetSuite. The goal is to be able to d
Is there a way to insert into temp table result dataset from exec (no matter call of the procedure or execute dynamic SQL) in Azure Synapse Analytics? I didn't