$rg1="firstyear-rg-01" $loc="eastasia" New-AzResourceGroup -name $rg1 -location $loc $ec1 = New-AzVirtualNetworkSubnetConfig -Name "ec-lab-sn-01" -AddressPrefi
I am just practicing the azure. And I created a virtual network and subnets. Now I am not able to delete the subnet. I have disconnected all connected devices f
I am trying to configure the network setting for Azure SQL server. I have got three services interacting with SQL. They are VM, Azure Data Factory and Web Servi
I am considering to use Azure Lab Services and I'm trying to find a way to create everything in it with no Public IPs but I can't find a way. I noticed I can ma
I am trying to secure some subnets in a virtual network. I have Virtual Network 1 with Subnets A, B, C. I have a VM in each subnet with default endpoints (RDP