Category "pickle"

TypeError: 'module' object is not iterable in django 4

TypeError: 'module' object is not iterable in django 4 I am getting the above error, it has persisted long enough than at this point I really need help. I am u

Operate on .dat file, pickle mod

I have project to do in my studies and it is my first project in Python. I must create simply program for bank. With GUI I'm creating an account on classes and

Python redis-py multiprocessing: TypeError: cannot pickle '_thread.lock' object

I'm trying to parallelize a function in python which interacts with redis using redis-py package. To achieve this task I'm using multiprocessing pool, however I

KeyError: 'initialized_diffuse'

I'm getting a keyerror 'initialized_diffuse' while calling the following API, probably after joblib.load(). import joblib .......... @routes.route("/forecast",

AttributeError: Can't get attribute 'PandasIndexAdapter' on <module 'xarray.core.indexing'

I am trying to unpickle a file but i get this error while running the following code: import pickle import pandas as pd import numpy unpickled_df = pd.read_pick

Convert Pickle Object into JS-readable Code?

I'm pretty new to the Pickle Library and JS. I am writing code in JS to interact with a Python server; when I make a POST to the Python server, I am returned a

A logger embedded in a class loses settings when reading from a pickle

I store my objects with an attribute being a logger in pickle and read them for other programs. I find that the logger's level is lost in the following situatio

Python 3.X Multiprocessing Boost Python Failed

I'm trying to use multiprocessing to map a Boost-wrapped function over multiple cores. This works fine in python 2.7, but is failing in python 3.8. I know the o

PyTorch - RuntimeError: [enforce fail at] . file not found: archive/data.pkl

Problem I'm trying to load a file using PyTorch, but the error states archive/data.pkl does not exist. Code import torch cachefile = 'cacheddata.pth' torch.load

AttributeError: Can't get attribute '_unpickle_block'

While using: with open("data_file.pickle", "rb") as pfile: raw_data = pickle.load(pfile) I get the error: AttributeError: Can't get attribute '_unpickle

How to load pickle files by tensorflow's API

I have my data in multiple pickle files stored on disk. I want to use tensorflow's to load my data into training pipeline. My code goes: def _p

Fastest way to dump nested dict to the hard drive

I have a big (several Gigs) nested dictionary of this structure: { string1: {string1_1: int1_1, string1_2: int1_2, ...}, string2: {string2_1: int2_1, strin

pickle.PicklingError: args[0] from __newobj__ args has the wrong class with hadoop python

I am trying to I am tring to delete stop words via spark,the code is as follow from nltk.corpus import stopwords from pyspark.context import SparkContext from

How to load pickle(.pkl) file from S3 bucket

I have successfully read the csv file from Amazon S3. But I have .pkl file of sentiment model. I want to load this .pkl file to predict sentiment. Here is my co

_pickle.UnpicklingError: NEWOBJ class argument isn't a type object

I ran this code on cmd and I face this error. _pickle.UnpicklingError: NEWOBJ class argument isn't a type object my goes like this: # -*- coding: utf-8 -

Can Python pickle lambda functions?

I have read in a number of threads that Python pickle/cPickle cannot pickle lambda functions. However the following code works, using Python 2.7.6: import cPic

How to persist patsy DesignInfo?

I'm working on an application that is a "predictive-model-as-a-service", structured as follows: train a model offline periodically upload model parameters to a

_pickle.UnpicklingError: could not find MARK

I got exceptions like UnicodeDecodeError raised when pickling (a list of) objects of EventFrame with a member participants that was an empty set. class EventFr

Can't pickle static method when using multiprocessing

I'm applying some parallelization to my code, in which I use classes. I knew that is not possible to pickle a class method without any other approach different

Pickle encoding utf-8 issue

I'm trying to pickle a pandas dataframe to my local directory so I can work on it in another jupyter notebook. The write appears to go successful at first but w