What's the best way to run the following sequence of commands kafka-console-producer --topic discounts --broker-list localhost:9092 --property parse.key=true --
Commands are: git checkout master git remote add upstream [email protected]:minio/console.git git fetch upstream git checkout master git rebase upstream/master Wh
I am trying to run bash code that errors when doing what I think is subtracting minutes from a date. There is an error that has to do with mutual exclusion that
When I use the sleep command and execute the script the sleep doesn't work. The code just gets executed without stopping for the expected 5 se
I have a file which contains 100 records... Each record has different size, like some are 1 KB while some are 1 MB. I want to split the file based upon number o
I have a code: echo "the range's starting number:" read -r a #it was 10 echo "the range's ending number:" read -r b #it was 20 for (( c=$a; c<=$b; c++ )) do
I try to diff to 2 file in bash in Jenkins job If i do this in minigw (eg gitbash) all working just fine But if run same command in Jenkins i got all from files
I have a bash function that validates numeric values (positive and negative, including integers, floats and in scientific notation). Using a argument parsing lo
I want to create a git alias git dir, which when used should open the git installation folder via Windows Explorer, how to implement such an alias?
I have a shell script located at "/home/pi/scripts/take-snapshot.sh" but when ever I try to execute it I get a error that the file is not present. the following
I'm trying to create a script to add my IP adress to AWS VPC security groups somthing like > aws ec2 modify-security-group-rules --group-id GROUPID\ > --
I am trying to do work in all subfolders in parallel and describe a status per folder once it is done in bash. suppose I have a work function which can return a
as title says I need to write a bash oneliner that finds all txt files and, for each, writes name and content into another file. So far I wrote: find . -name "*
txt with more than 30000 records. All records are one for line and is an IP like this: 1
I have this line in a file. The blanks between the words can be tabs or spaces #define FN_AUTO_FN_FNSECTOR Function(2) /* FN_ comment*/ and I wanted outp
MWE: caption() { echo "$@" echo "$@" | sed 's/./-/g' # -> SC2001 } caption "$@" I'd like to use parameter expansion in order to get rid of the she
I need to convert from 'ifconfig' command output to Uppercases: I've tried like this: ifconfig | tr [:upper:]
I have a very large selection of files eg. foo_de.vtt, foo_en.vtt, foo_es.vtt, foo_fr.vtt, foo_pt.vtt, baa_de.vtt, baa_en.vtt, baa_es.vtt, baa_fr.vtt, baa_pt.vt
I have built a more simple test image that works. The Dockerfile installs python, then Fluent-Bit, and then the CMD is a shell script that starts both processes
How would you go about removing everything after x number of characters? For example, cut everything after 15 characters and add ... to it. This is an example s