I'm trying to build a Binance trading bot, I generated an API key and can use it with a real money, but I need to test the bot using their test -sandbox- accoun
I've done this program, but don't know how to change this to use web sockets. If I use this as it is, I get an API error (too many calls) and tells me to use we
I am trying to access this endpoint, where signature parameter has to be sent as query parameter https://binance-docs.github.io/apidocs/spot/en/#current-open-or
I would like to get the data that's displayed on BscScan programmatically, but their API seems quite limited, and I would like to avoid parsing HTML content to
I am trying to download historical price data of BTC/USD perpetual futures using binance's api for coin futures, specifically, I'd like to use this endpoint. Ho
I'm trying to find tickSize using this method but it returns an error. Data: {'symbol': 'FIROUSDT', 'status': 'TRADING', 'baseAsset': 'FIRO', 'baseAssetPrecisio
I've integrated the Binance API in my project to show a list of all supported symbols and their corresponding icon. However, I'm unable to fetch the symbols nam
Is there a way to automatically restart binance ThreadedWebsocketManager when the internet connection was lost?
I tried searching for answers, but to no avail. How do I get the balance of specific asset for a Futures Asset, for example, USDT? [{'accountAlias': 'xx', 'asse
I tried to deploy my tokens on BSC testnet using Remix, but I always get an error when I verify. I tried a lot of methods, but still no solution. In fact the ge
I am trying to create a limit order together with take profit and stop loss on binance, but this does not always work. Occasionally this code does everything ri
APIError(code=-2015): Invalid API-key, IP, or permissions for action I keep getting the above issue. I am not sure what the issue is. I am able to access the cl
Following the instructions here, https://docs.binance.org/smart-chain/wallet/arkane.html, I created a Binance SmartChain account with its "0x" prefixed wallet a
I'm considering various grid trading strategies and I'm wondering what's the optimal action (if any) to take when the price goes out of grid bounds. In the imag
As a example in coinbase-api I can get cryptocurrency's price this way: const eth_eur = await publicClient.getProductOrderBook('ETH-EUR', { level: 1 }); As you
Please I would like to know how I could get only transfer event of BNB on BSC using web3.js Objective: Each time a user makes a BNB deposit to an address on my
I was working to make a crypto app but I have some issues displaying crypto pairs in UI. I've tried different ways but it's not working. Please can you suggest
Hello I Try To Create An order by type STOP_MARKET in binance future It's My Code : from binance.client import Client api_key = '#' api_secret = '#' if _
I'm using Python 3.9 and the Python - Binance API, version python-binance==1.0.15. In their test environment, I'm placing buy orders like so order=self._get_au
exchange = ccxt.binance({ -- "apiKey": 'xxx', "secret": 'xxx', 'options': { 'adjustForTimeDifference': True }, 'enableRateLimit': True }) exchange_f = ccxt.