Category "selenium-chromedriver"

Assign a value to a "hidden" input webelement, in SeleniumBasic for Chrome

I have to migrate a web automation program from IE controlled by Excel VBA to Chrome using selenium basic in Excel VBA. The website itself is not public so I ca

How to launch headless chrome in OS X

I am trying to launch Chrome in Headless mode for some automation with Selenium and Python. I've tried all the arguments but Chrome will not launch in headless

Chromedriver Selenium getting 'Connection Reset' when versions match

I am using chromedriver but am sometimes getting the following errors: 03:34:09.188 [AsyncHttpClient-1-2] WARN org.openqa.selenium.remote.http.WebSocket - Conne

Selenium headless chrome with proxy authentication

I'm working on automation of Headless Chrome WebDriver ( using Selenium (4.1.0) and C# (.Net 5.0/Console application). I want to add Proxy Authen

selenium/standalone-chrome with selenium 4.0.0 return DNS ERROR

Configuration: Python 3.10/selenium 3.141.0/selenium/standalone-chrome:latest WORKS! but when I change just selenium version to 4.0.0: Configuration: Python 3

headless chrome on docker M1 error - unable to discover open window in chrome

I'm currently trying to run headless chrome with selenium on m1 mac host / amd64 ubuntu container. Because arm ubuntu does not support google-chrome-stable pack

selenium webdriver can't click on button using driver.find_element_by_css_selector

can't click on button using driver.find_element_by_css_selector i try use this Locating Elements driver.find_element_by_css_selector driver.find_element_by_css_

How to find the number of elements having the same CSS selector in selenium java?

I am using the latest version of selenium with java. I am trying to find the number of elements in a certain web page having the same css selector, but I don't

Error using Selenium Chrome Webdriver with python

hi im using chrome driver but i cant fix this error mycode: options = Options() options.add_argument('--disable-gpu') options.add_argum

How to auto update chromedriver in webdriverIO

I have an automation framework developed using webdriverIO. The issue is all test cases start failing whenever chrome updated as chromedriver didn't update auto

Getting TimeoutException: Message: timeout: Timed out receiving message from renderer: 300.000 only when using Jenkins for Switch Window on Chrome

I'm using different web urls in tabs in one browser, in order to get the required value from one website and add it to the other. I use a robot framework for th

Type object 'By' has no attribute 'Link_text'

Get tired to guess proper syntax. Please, help me out with my problem! Writing code in Python3. My code: from selenium import webdriver from selenium.webdriver.

Import "" could not be resolved when using Selenium in VS Code

I'm trying to use Selenium to test a web app, and my tests are running smoothly using webdriver-manager. I already pip installed the webdriver_manager and selen

typeerror 'nonetype' object is not callable selenium

Code: from selenium import webdriver from bs4 import BeautifulSoup driver=webdriver.Chrome('H:\datascience-python\selinium\chromedriver.exe') driver.get('htt

Detect all names and get their link with Selenium Python

I want to make a search system when we enter a word in a variable, it search between all links’ names of this page (all the games) a little like a «

How to bypass Cloudflare bot protection in selenium

I need to grab some information from a site just for education purpose, however i cannot send requests because of the protection. I get The typical Checking-you

This version of ChromeDriver only supports Chrome version 102

I'm using VS Code and Anaconda3. Currently trying to install ChromeDriver_Binary but, when I try to execute code, I get this error: selenium.common.exceptions.

After test:report:chrome Report generation done, Terminal not closing the instance, it keeps running

I am using protector, selenium for running the UI automation. For chrome driver I am using webdriver-manager for testing the UI Automation. It run successfully,

Find element using Selenium Basic for VBA

I'm trying automate data entry using Selenium Basic for Excel VBA. I've been able to log in to the website via locating the necessary element selectors on the l

Is it possible to check chromedriver.exe version at runtime in python?

I'm trying to check compatibility of chrome and chromedriver to prompt the user to download the correct chromedriver version if needed. I'm looking to check the