Category "blazor-server-side"

Blazor Server App - Modular Front-Ends (Micro-frontends)

We are looking for a way to get Blazor Server loading other Blazor Server projects. Our goal is to have a micro-frontend approach, where each micro-app is also

HttpClient timeout on Braintree call in Blazor

I'm deploying my .Net 6, Blazor Server site for the first time on shared hosting. It's all seems to work so far bar two things. In the browser console (Chrome)

Blazor @page route url define with variable

I have a question for Blazor Server Side. I want to @page route url define with variable or property. I can use now with below default method @page "/route-url"

DbContext error when scaffolding Identity in Blazor Server app

I'm learning Blazor Server and have an app with an existing DbContext (EF/MSSQL) for CRUD operations. Now I'd like to implement Identity and for that I'm follow

How to Use Azure Managed Identity as Credential For Debugging Cosmos Database access inside of Blazer Server App?

Background: As described in bullet #4 of my other post I'm trying to follow CDennig's example bicep script to grant my blazor (server) application access to bot

How prevent Blazor EventCallback reset selected item to default value

I have a problem with the return event of a child component on Blazor. I am currently using MudBlazor, I have created a component called BrandSelect which loads

How do I avoid using a client secret or certificate for Blazor Server when using MSAL?

When using Blazor Server and the MSAL library you must provide either a client secret or a client certificate. Here is what a Blazor Server project uses to setu

Ubuntu-OS Compatible Tiff image format to Jpeg image format Convertion (.NET 5)

I want to Convert Tiff file/filestream into Jpeg file/filestream. I am curretly developing a Blazor Server app with .NET 5 in Windows. But my Server is in Ubunt

SEC_ERROR_INADEQUATE_KEY_USAGE on accessing webapp published using Visual Studio

I created a Blazor Server webapp and published it from Visual Studio using right click on the project - publish. I am publishing to a local folder, amongst othe

How to re-render Blazor component when a parameter changes

I have two Blazor component. First component just displays the list of students from a JSON api <select @onchange="selectStudent"> @foreach(var student

Blazor Timer call async API task to update UI

I am setting up a timer in a Blazor server-side page. The goal is to call an API every x seconds and based on the return value, update the UI. I got this code:

How to use impersonation in Blazor Server Side to access a folder on a File Server

In .NET Framework, using this would let me impersonate a user in Active Directory to gain access to a locked down folder on the file server: [DllImport("advapi3

301 Permanent Redirect with Blazor and razor page

I would like to redirect all pages which doesn't match to any pattern to homepage. Structure of the URL makes it possible with catch-all option and I can easily

Making request without refreshing page with blazor

Please i am new to blazor, I am building a pet project and i want to make a call to the server to do so validation if the text entered into an input textbox is

Detecting server pre-rendering in Blazor server app

Is there any way to detect the pre-rendering is going on in a Blazor component from the OnInitializedAsync life cycle method? I know the component workflow woul

How to call a function in a Blazor component from a Razor page

I'm creating a MarkdownEditor component for Blazor based on EasyMDE. The project on GitHub is working apart from the file upload because I can't find a way to r

What is a good strategy to save user premium subscription for a web app with Azure AD B2C as user management system?

I am building a Blazor Server web app that will have locked features only accessible via paid subscription (payment handled with stripe). I am using Azure AD B2

Trying to add image in MudBlazor carousel is not working

I am trying to add an image to the carouselItem of MudBlazor. Its not working correctly taking wrong width and height as well. My code:

How to turn on CircuitOptions.DetailedErrors?

I'm getting this message in the console when running a server-side Blazor app: Error: There was an unhandled exception on the current circuit, so this cir

Suggested architecture for a project with 2 Frontend applications (Blazor Server and Angular) with EFCore, Identity, Mediatr

I am currently working on a school project with a classmate. We've decided on making the classic setup of an Administration-client (Blazor Server) and a Member-