Category "blob"

PIL UnidentifiedImageError from Azure Blob Trigger though image opens in 'watch'

I am trying to debug an Azure function locally using Blob trigger. When uploading an image file to Azure, the trigger is received by my function running locally

Is there any way in JavaScript, to convert image source url to file such that it can be accepted in input of type file or by API endpoint?

It's easy to change file type input to image source url for preview.. but.. Considering a scenario where you're trying to edit a blog, so you fetch a blog and f

Azure blob storage overwriting duplicate files

I am using Azure Blob storage to upload/download files. The problem is, if I upload any new file to azure blob that have the same name as already uploaded file

Unit test with jest involving a class instance declared within a vue method

I have this logic for temporarily reading and displaying a profile image: setTempProfileImage(file) { if (file) { let reader = new FileReader()

How to get data from such blob:http:// url in golang?

I have an api written in go, which takes the input in form of blob file, actually a blob url from frontend , When the file gets uploaded to s3 it makes an empty

Fetching Video(Mp4 format) Using Axios in React and displaying in HTML video

I was trying to fetch a video from backend in the form of byte stream and i was able to get video from backend. But i am unable to handle the video on front end

Fetching Video(Mp4 format) Using Axios in React and displaying in HTML video

I was trying to fetch a video from backend in the form of byte stream and i was able to get video from backend. But i am unable to handle the video on front end

php Blob url to directory

throught ajax send a blob url var blob = new Blob([content], { type: 'text/html; charset=utf-8' }); var urlBlob = URL.createObjectURL(blob); $.ajax({ url:

Argument of type 'Blob' is not assignable to parameter of type 'string | Blob'

Just got an error: Argument of type 'Blob' is not assignable to parameter of type 'string | Blob'. Type 'import("buffer").Blob' is not assignable to type 'Blo

text() method not available in Blob

I am doing some Integration tests with jest & nock to test Axios interceptors chaining. In one of them, I am expecting to receive a Blob instance and accord

How to find MIME type of IPFS (no extension given) using Javascript?

If I have an IPFS CID address (with no extension), of a file like this for instance ,

JavaScript FileReader Slice Performance

I am trying to access the first few lines of text files using the FileApi in JavaScript. In order to do so, I slice an arbitrary number of bytes from the beginn

Block blob url access

I could not find how video platforms such as youtube block access to the blob url address. When I try to go directly to the blob url or send a request with f

Can I set the filename of a PDF object displayed in Chrome?

In my Vue app I receive a PDF as a blob, and want to display it using the browser's PDF viewer. I convert it to a file, and generate an object url: const blob

Show images inside a pdf created with Gloogle Apps Script Blob

I am creating PDF files using blobs in Google Apps Script from a HTML code, but the problem is that HTML code has an image (referenced by "http") but the create

Download file from API using javascript

I need to force download of file using JavaScript. I am using Angular and restangular to communicate with API. I am now working on file download action from API

How do I parse a JSON from Azure Blob Storage file in Logic App?

I have a JSON file in Azure Blob storage that I need to parse and insert rows into SQL using the Logic App. I am using the "Get Blob Content" and my first atte

What is webkit 1 way of createobjecturl?

I tested URL.createobjecturl in chrome browser with large blob object and it worked like charm. But problem came when I ran same code on older webkit (version 1

HTML set a blob (PDF) url in an iframe doesn't work on mobile

I use an API to get generated PDF or stored PDF on private directory (only accessible if the user is logged in). My endpoint send a http response with Content-T

Display a PDF in the browser in a modal from blob data using react-pdf (@react-pdf/renderer)

I am using the handy react-pdf library to render/display/download pdf's in my React site. I have my PDF's stored on the server. I have a call to the server th