Category "nuxtjs3"

How to use template refs in Nuxt 3

In Nuxt2 there were template $refs that you could access in <script> with this.$refs I would like to know what is the Nuxt3 equivalent of this is. I need

Nuxt3 Vite server port

I need to config server port for Nuxt3. I try to do it so: nuxt.config.ts import { defineNuxtConfig } from 'nuxt3' export default defineNuxtConfig( vite: {

How to import stylus mixins in Nuxt 3?

In nuxt2 im using style resource loader to import mixins globally in every file and component. But style resource loader is not working with nuxt3 styleResource

How to set global api baseURL used in useFetch in nuxt 3

How do I set the baseURL that is used in useFetch composable globally (maybe nuxt.config.ts) so that I wouldn't have to define it in every useFetch.

TypeError: Cannot read properties of undefined (reading 'app') at asyncData

<script> export default { components: { PageInfoSection, ProductGrid: () => import("~/components/category/ProductGrid.vue"),

is vue-storefront support (nuxtjs with typescript)?

I am trying to use @storefront-ui/nuxt inside a nuxtjs (with typescript) project. but this error show for me Could not find a declaration file for module '@st

Nuxt3 + Pinia + VueUse -> useStorage() not working

Setup: I'm using Nuxt3 + Pinia + VueUse. Goal: I want to save a state of a pinia store to localstorage via VueUse: useStorage. Problem: For some reason no item

How to handle HTTP error codes (404) on the frontend-side in Nuxt 3?

In Nuxt 2, a layouts/error.vue component is used. I tried with Nuxt 3 but it didn't work out. I can not find it in the documentation (

How do I implement custom error pages in NuxtJS 3?

I'm trying to get my NuxtJS 3 app to show custom error pages. The app is universal with SSR. The NuxtJS 2 docs say to add a layouts/error.vue file and it should

How to prerender a Vue3 application?

I try without success to apply a prerendering (or a SSG) to my Vue3 application to make it more SEO friendly. I found the vue-cli-plugin-prerender-spa, and when

How to redirect in nuxt3 refore routing completed

I'm trying to setup a boilerplate in nuxt3 which checks before each request if the access to the current path/route is allowed. Currently I've tested two differ

websocket + vue :get error connecting to websocket

I am beginner with websocket and i am trying to connect it with vue3 like this onMounted(() => { var connection = new WebSocket("wss://"

In Nuxt 3, can I specify a global sub-directory for all routing

I would like to specify a global sub-directory that precedes all routing, for both client and API endpoints. So:* (for all API rout