In Nuxt2 there were template $refs that you could access in <script> with this.$refs I would like to know what is the Nuxt3 equivalent of this is. I need
I need to config server port for Nuxt3. I try to do it so: nuxt.config.ts import { defineNuxtConfig } from 'nuxt3' export default defineNuxtConfig( vite: {
In nuxt2 im using style resource loader to import mixins globally in every file and component. But style resource loader is not working with nuxt3 styleResource
How do I set the baseURL that is used in useFetch composable globally (maybe nuxt.config.ts) so that I wouldn't have to define it in every useFetch.
<script> export default { components: { PageInfoSection, ProductGrid: () => import("~/components/category/ProductGrid.vue"),
I am trying to use @storefront-ui/nuxt inside a nuxtjs (with typescript) project. but this error show for me Could not find a declaration file for module '@st
Setup: I'm using Nuxt3 + Pinia + VueUse. Goal: I want to save a state of a pinia store to localstorage via VueUse: useStorage. Problem: For some reason no item
In Nuxt 2, a layouts/error.vue component is used. I tried with Nuxt 3 but it didn't work out. I can not find it in the documentation (
I'm trying to get my NuxtJS 3 app to show custom error pages. The app is universal with SSR. The NuxtJS 2 docs say to add a layouts/error.vue file and it should
I try without success to apply a prerendering (or a SSG) to my Vue3 application to make it more SEO friendly. I found the vue-cli-plugin-prerender-spa, and when
I'm trying to setup a boilerplate in nuxt3 which checks before each request if the access to the current path/route is allowed. Currently I've tested two differ
I am beginner with websocket and i am trying to connect it with vue3 like this onMounted(() => { var connection = new WebSocket("wss://"
I would like to specify a global sub-directory that precedes all routing, for both client and API endpoints. So:* (for all API rout