I would like to realize an Android App to use with Android 5.2 Hearing Aids Buds, able to stream sound from one ear (microphone on left hearing aid) to the left
How do I gracefully stop all CBCentralManager activity and then, later, restart it? He's my plan. Is anything missing? Stopping... If inadvertently still scann
I'm developing a BLE peripheral device based on linux(bluez 5.48) and QT app for a gatt service. I'm also developing an Android phone's app for connecting the d
I have two questions for you, guys: What is the difference between segmentation + reasembly and fragmentation + recombination in BLE L2CAP? After some research,
I am currently designing a simple indoor location project to evaluate possibilities of Bluetooth 5.1 standard. The feature I would like to use is AoA (Angle of
I have an android app that connects to a BLE device and pairs with it using BleDevice.createBond(). the issue is that the dialog could disappear before the user
I'm trying to figure out how to add a listener in flutter that would listen for BLE signals even in the phone background, while the app is off. Is it possible t
I am trying to do a GATT write operation in a BLE after Notification where I am getting the value from server. The write operation works fine when there is no p
Looking for BLE scanner similar to Android-Scanner-Compat-Library for iOS ? Using scanForPeripheralsWithServices but some time BLE peripheral (device ) not f
I am now writing Python scripts to collect BLE advertising packets near my Raspberry Pi 3 B+. Currently, I am using bluepy for BLE scan, but the scanner sporadi
I currently have firmware that can reach an average deep sleep current of ~130uA. I can reach this level reproducibly on one of the boards I have. successful de
As far as I know some android phones today can act as BLE beacon (this feature is usually disabled in most devices ) . When an android device is acting as a bea
I'm trying to do a lescan using hcitool on the raspberry pi. The command prints out Set scan parameters failed: Input/output error. I'm not sure, what ex
I am trying to connect to my iPhone and access services such as the battery level and ANCS from windows. I have tried out the Advertisement watcher and query bu
I am developing an Android Application that connects to a BLE Device and reads the specific GATT Characteristics and Services that I need to check. I used the B
I am using this library (https://pub.dev/packages/flutter_blue/example) to control my ESP32 (Arduino). I have two buttons that work perfectly, one to turn off t