Category "boolean"

Truth value of a Series is ambiguous. Use a.empty, a.bool(), a.item(), a.any() or a.all()

I want to filter my dataframe with an or condition to keep rows with a particular column's values that are outside the range [-0.25, 0.25]. I tried: df = df[(df

Create a new array of boolean values by comparing two arrays with objects

I have a question about creating JavaScript arrays. Here's what I want to do. I have two arrays. Each array has object(s) in them. The first array has exactly 5

Boolean Supplier Java wait until condition is true

I am trying to get to wait until there exists the condition (theOne, that I am waiting for) in the list of areHere. I am trying to work with BooleanSupplier but

An array of `int` values ​and return an array of boolean values

The task The correct implementation should receive an array of int values and return an array of booleans where each element is a result of a check if a corresp

Why does my boolean value remain as false despite meeting the if condition in my setter?

public class Main { public static void main(String[] args) { // test1 where all variables are valid Main test1 = new Main("David", "male", 2

Boolean values list to integer in Python

I'm having trouble with this lambdas syntax. I'm trying to translate a list of booleans to an integer value, but I'm getting an error, I don't understand why.

Boolean value remains false after the value of the static field involved changes

In my assignment I have to use an enum to make an EnumSet of elements that fit the criteria given. So, the code needs to be as flexible as possible and allow an

Create multiple boolean columns in pandas dataframe based on multiple conditions

I have a dataset, where authors are ranked by the order of authorship (1, 2, 3, etc). Authorid Author Article Articleid Rank 1 John article 1

Deleting multiple rows under same App Name but with different number of reviews

I have a dataframe having many columns, 2 of them being 'App' and 'Reviews'. I discovered that for the same app there are multiple rows because they differ in t

Effect of tilde on booleans — why ~True is -2 & ~False is -1 in Python? [duplicate]

I found that ~True is -2 and ~False is -1. Why is this? W3Schools says that ~ inverts all the bits. Why isn't ~True is False and ~False is Tru

Filtering array with Boolean giving unexpected results

I can't understand why the output is 17 its only returning the true values not the false values either that the false value are boolean also function countSheep

I can`t call the bool function in c++ (closed)

Hey guys please help me on this I have tried calling my bool function in my main func but it wont even show the first cout of program and the compiler terminate

How do I capture inputs from a system.out.println to compare if they match? [duplicate]

I am a first year studying app development and I have a login and registration assignment. But Im struggling to make a method where it checks

How to make palindrome program using recursion ignore special characters in all places of the string in java?

I am having a slight logic error with my palindrome program in that when I insert special characters in the front or end of the string I get an indication that

How can I fetch a NULL boolean from Postgres in Go?

Go's zero value for a bool type is false. Postgres supports an undefined BOOL type, represented as NULL. This leads to problems when trying to fetch a BOOL val

Top-level Bool encoded as number property list fragment. PropertyListEncoder

I have this generic function to save in NSUserDefaults, in generally works but now I want to save a boolean value and I get an error. I could not find anything

Which one is safer to use? " ==TRUE" or " != FALSE"

Is it better to compare a boolean type variable with: == FALSE and != FALSE; or == TRUE and != TRUE?

Remove rows that contain False in a column of pandas dataframe

I assume this is an easy fix and I'm not sure what I'm missing. I have a data frame as such: index c1 c2 c3 2015-03-07 01:2

convert "Yes" or "No" to boolean

I want to parse user values contained in .CSV file. I don't want my users to enter "Yes" or "No" but instead enter "True" or "False". In each case I want to c

Perl: JSON::XS Is it possible to force boolean decoding as 1/0?

Package JSON::XS uses JSON::XS::Boolean objects to represent true/false. Is it possible to force decoding true/false json values as 1/0 Perl numbers? #!/usr/bi