Category "boolean"

Is it possible to distinguish Bool and Int in Swift?

I have an AnyObject type that can be String, Int or Bool type. I need to distinguish them. This code tries to do so, but it considers Bool to be Int: import C

Is it possible to distinguish Bool and Int in Swift?

I have an AnyObject type that can be String, Int or Bool type. I need to distinguish them. This code tries to do so, but it considers Bool to be Int: import C

Evaluate command line argument as boolean expression

I'm trying to take a string, passed as an argument, and evaluate it as a boolean expression in an if conditional statement. For example, the user invokes MyPro

Assembly - How To Set A Boolean Variable

Can someone tell me how to set a Boolean variable in Assembly TASM? I have been looking on the Internet and I can't find a proper explanation. Thanks to anyone

How can I map True/False to 1/0 in a Pandas DataFrame?

I have a column in python pandas DataFrame that has boolean True/False values, but for further calculations I need 1/0 representation. Is there a quick pandas/n