Category "continuous-integration"

Gitlab CI: why do I get an error when I try to define the pages stage?

I'm trying to publish a create-react-app on Gitlab, using its CI. This is my .gitlab-ci.yml file: stages: - build - pages build: image: node:16 stage:

How to run CLI migrations in a Continous Integration pipeline on a private database on AWS RDS

I am currently using a tool that allows you to apply database migrations only using a CLI (Prisma). My database is in a private network in AWS. To do it manuall

Review of gitlab CI using yml

Hi I am using the following gitlab yml file for setting up my pipeline. The project is a maven Java project. But I am not able to run all the steps successfully

How to build DocC documentation from CLI

So I have been browsing the web for a while now and can't seem to find an answer on how to build the native DocC Xcode documentation using a CLI command. Both t

How to scanning path in docker image from BlackDuck scanning

I'm using BlackDuck scanning use script from Synopsys to scan docker image but I don't know how to scan path in docker image. My setting below: ./dete

How to build a REACT Native app automatically using GitLab

I am looking for a way to build the APK of my React Native App automatically using a GitLab pipeline, I can't seem to find a solution on the web that does not u

Treating warnings as errors because process.env.CI = true. Failed to compile

I am working on a react-weather application for self learning purpose. Deployed the same in gh-pages. URL Repo ht

Prevent fast lane from checking App Store latest build number and increasing it

When I set a build number in my Xcode project lower than the latest uploaded build. Fastlane changes build number for the produced build and set it to latest+1.

Gitlab: Is there a way to limit the concurrency jobs in Gitlab by number?

I have a Gitlab Runner running on Kubernetes. I see there are options to limit concurrent jobs from the runner level, but it would be preferable if we could do

TeamCity / Bitbucket Server pull request with multiple VCS roots

I am using TeamCity Enterprise 2021.2 (build 99542) and Bitbucket Server v7.14.0. I have a build configuration in Teamcity with 3 VCS roots: Repo1, Repo2, and R

I am using Azure Devops to build and push my Docker image. How can I pass arguments while doing buildAndPush using Docker task?

I have created a pipeline to build a Docker image and push it to my container registry. I am using Docker task for doing this (buildAndPush command). Here is a

Azure multistage pipelines: conditionally skip one stage but not the next

I have an Azure multi-stage CI/CD pipeline. It has stages for Test and UAT deployment. I want the UAT release to run if Test succeeds or is skipped, but not if

Github PR triggers multiple Jenkins jobs but reports only the state of the last job

I currently have GitHub connected to Jenkins and for every pull request, GitHub triggers a Jenkins job which seems to work fine. I am extending this to trigger

Fastlane iOS: Keeps building for simulator when using "iphoneos" sdk

I'm attempting to write a fastlane script that zips and uploads my app and testplan to Firebase Test Lab. It is currently failing because it keeps building the

How to Define Github Branch Specific Secret or an Alternative?

For example, allows the user to define an env variable which is bound to a certain branch. Whereas Github does allow you to define secret env vari

How to use a script of a Docker container from CI pipeline

Newbie in Docker & Docker containers over here. I'm trying to realize how can I run a script which is in the image from my bitbucket-pipeline process. Som

Travis CI build failed because of no output

I am new to CI/CD tools. I have made CI/CD pipeline using travis CI. But my build is failed and it is giving me the following error : No output has been receiv

Module failed to start Ansible

I'm new in Ansible. I'm working on an Ubunto machine. On the VM, I installed Ansible along with to apply play books to. When I run a playbook I receive the fol

How to test a .NET 4.8 client running against a .NET 5.0 server in a developer-friendly way?

I don't know if this question is appropriate for this forum. I am developing a C# ASP.NET Core webservice and a client-side library that uses this webservice. A

How to get the results (succeeded or failed) of previous stages/jobs in a pipeline of GitLab CI?

In one pipeline there are multiple stages. How can I get the results (succeeded or failed) of previous stages/jobs in the last stage/job of a pipeline?