Category "bouncycastle"

Validate with Bouncy Castle ECDsaSigner

I am trying validate the message digest hash using eCDsaSigner with R and S but VerifySignature returns false . Is it possible to get more information as to why

How to set custom value in SAN while generating CSR in java?

Need to generate CSR with SAN like this Subject Alternative Names: DirName:/SN=1345332443jff432/UID=12347577400003/title=0011/registeredAddress=Sample E/busines

Retrieving Signature R and S element from ASN.1 CMS Signature Bouncy Castle

I have an ASN.1 encoded detached CMS ECC signature - I used an online decoder to inspect it and can see the signature R and S values but I'm wondering how to ac

Bouncycastle how to envelop the signed digest it in the original document with java?

In connection with this issue: I am looking for the best method to envelope the signed hash of a document inside th

Convert ECDSA secp521r1 private key into PEM format using bouncy castle

We are programatically generating ECDSA private/public key in java as follows: KeyPairGenerator keyPairGenerator = KeyPairGenerator.getInstance("EC"); keyPairGe

How to replicate bouncycastle CMSEnvelopedData decryption using Openssl

I have working code that uses Java Bouncycastle lib that (as I understood) decrypts CMS data. byte[] encryptedData = Base64.decode(encryptedText); CMSEnvelopedD

TLS 1.2 + Java 1.6 + BouncyCastle

For supporting HTTPS connections through a Java 1.6 API to remote hosts using TLS 1.2, we have developed a customized TLS SocketConnection factory based on Boun

flexiprovider conflicts with bouncycastle when retrieving keys from string

I have been using a solution, provided in bellow, to encrypt/decrypt using Flexiprovider for a while. The solution works on galaxy s5 and s6. However, in s9 it

Packaging Java application with BouncyCastle in a single JAR

Is it possible to package a Java app using BouncyCastle as security provider in a single JAR ? PS: I expect to run the JAR without changing java security prope

Convert RSA Public Key to PEM Format

I want to convert - RSA Public Key modulus: 9699c3c4406464638d2b30dbed44ddee485b5f9a3d7491434049440d34eb1759376a8bac0e37cee5c18df69acfc60d7252634fd

How to parse the ASN.1 object and get the data using bouncycastle in java

I have an ASN.1 data which contain some URL info and certificates data. Now I am trying to parse the data. I am using the dump method which is shown below. p

What is the reason of this issue org.bouncycastle.tls.TlsFatalAlert

What is the reason of this issue org.bouncycastle.tls.TlsFatalAlert,Client raised fatal(2) certificate_unknown(46) alert: Failed to read record org.bouncycastle

Where is the Bouncy Castle API documentation?

I need to do some cryptography based work, and I have found out Bouncy Castle API which is both available for C# and Java, for Java it has documentation, but it

getCipherSuite() returns SSL_NULL_WITH_NULL_NULL

I'm trying to make an https server on Android with a programmatically generated self signed certificate. I feel like I'm pretty close but I still can't connect