Category "building-github-actions"

Can we directly write Python code under "run | " section in action.yml file

In GitHub Actions, can we directly write python code under run | -section in action.yml file? Can I write GitHub Actions scripts in Python?

In a Github Action how to conditionalize a step based off the previous step's output?

Building a Github action based on the commit message I'm trying to base a step on whether the commit message contains a particular string, set it to a variable

how to make a github action matrix element conditional

I have a workflow that uses 'strategy' = 'matrix' and a list of specific configurations to build. Link to Workflow YAML (also provided below) # # build-N-test-v

How to update/cherry-pick other branches on push on specified branch?

I would like to create GitHub action that is triggered by push on specified branch X. This action will push/cherry-pick changes made on branch X to other branch

Repository name must be lowercase

I’m a student and I’m studying in GitHub Actions with using Docker. When I build and push codes at GitHub, there was a problem. the problem is below

Github cli in Action not running workflow

Trying to setup a scheduled workflow that triggers a workflow with particular settings on different branches (which for us equates to different projects) - run: